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Pedro definitely had some choice words for her the next day.
"So, what? Are we family now?" He asked.

"I don't know. You could forget I said anything."

"We both know I can't do that."

"I don't know what to do, Pedro. I don't know what this means. It's definitely weird."

"Definitely. My grandfather never said anything about his sister having a child."

"I don't know. Maybe she never told him."


"My point is, it's up to you. Whatever you decide. I'm not an easy person to be related to."

"Neither am I, to be honest."

"No one knows about you and me. Except Hermione. I kind of called her freaking out right after I left you because in my history when I don't tell her things, it ends badly."

"I guessed, considering she's the one who's been pressing you to tell me?"

"Yeah. She means well."

"I don't know what I'm supposed to do. I mean, I think we're supposed to get to know each other and it'll be all..."

"Sunshine and daisies?" She offered and he nodded.

"That, but it's a lot more complicated, isn't it?"

"Especially when you take into account that Voldemort knows about me."

"You're not team dark lord, are you?"

"No, but he wants me to be." Alex sighed. "Like I said, I'm not the easiest person to be related to. Pedro, if you're not- if you don't want to, it's fine. I mean, we don't know each other well enough for it to be a huge thing. We can just be this. Friends."

"Are we?" He quirked a brow, not trying to be rude, but genuinely quizzical.

"I thought we were. Teacher-student doesn't seem quite accurate."

"I think you're right." He said. "About the other stuff though, can I think on it? A little longer."

"Yeah, take your time. I've been sitting on this since the summer and I still have no clue. I don't expect you to have answers after a day." He nodded.

"Does Dumbledore know? About you?"

"He's the one who made it so I went to my family."

"He knew the whole time?" Alex nodded. "My grandfather would have taken you in, you know." Alex blinked. She hadn't thought of that. South America was far from England, and Pedro and his grandfather were a Light family. Dumbledore admitted that he'd been keeping tabs on Pedro's family. So why the Weasleys? She loved her family. More than anything, but too many questions rattled around her head.

She didn't like the thoughts that were beginning to blossom. Dumbledore had his faults, but he did have her best interests at heart. He looked out for her. He protected her and despite everything she trusted him. He never looked at her like a monster, and he always told her that what she was free to choose a path of her own. That being related to Voldemort didn't make her inherently evil.

"Maybe he didn't know how to get a hold of your grandfather. I don't know. I'm sure he had his reasons." She said, more to convince herself than him. "I should go."

She walked out of the alchemy classroom only to see Nott waiting outside. She rolled her eyes and kept walking.

"Nice long chat you were having with the teacher." He remarked. "Afraid you can't get a good enough grade in a real subject? Tell me, do you always go for the older guys, or is this simply a shag of convenience?"

"Walk away, Nott." A voice cut in. She turned and saw Blaise. "Or don't." He flexed his fingers before curling his hand into a fist, the insinuation of a punch clear. Nott sneered.

"How heroic of you, Zabini. Sticking up for a damsel in distress."

"Some of us can actually learn in class and don't need any extra help, Nott. Tell me, which of us currently a- has two NEWTs, b- actually owns a wand and c- knows self defence?"

"Oh please those are nothing more than pity grades."

"My god, you're daft. And I suppose I won the international wizarding schools potions contest and successfully made a felix felicis potion through pity?"

"One subject doesn't make you smart."

"Uh huh, and tell me, why was I bumped up two years in two classes, neither of which was potions? You can't claim pity from the professors considering Cedric was alive then." He scowled. "Besides who I choose to shag is none of your business, considering it's never going to be you. You're too immature and I'm not talking about age."

"You ought to be showing some respect, blood traitor." He said, furious. "Won't be long before the dark lord prevails. Oh, how I'd love to have you begging on your knees-" he was cut off by Blaise rushing over and punching him.

"Blaise!" Alex lunged forward and pulled him off. "He's not worth it. He really isn't." She said and pulled him away. She led him outside to the courtyard.

"Hate that prick." He muttered.

"You're a good friend. But no need to fight him."

"It's hardly much of a fight." He retorted. "He's pathetic."

"I'll admit, seeing you punch him was satisfying but I can defend myself." She said, before taking a closer look at his hand. "Oh you got him good."


"You didn't have to."

"I know. I just- some lines you don't cross." He said. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be." She smiled. "I can fix this up quick enough."

A/N- Hehe, Blaise punched Nott and honestly that's my favourite part lmao. Also, Dumbledore is just so ugh. Why wouldn't he send her to her actual blood family on a whole other continent? There's no place safer.

Favourite line is "Besides who I choose to shag is none of your business, considering it's never going to be you."

Alexandra Weasley: Book 6Where stories live. Discover now