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Alex made four doses. Each dose of the potion would last twenty four hours and could be stretched over time. She ruminated over what to do. Word had gotten out across the school, and suddenly people had started trying to get close to her.
"Aw, poor you. No one's scared of you anymore." Hermione teased as Alex grumbled about her glares not working. Hermione had tagged along her latest session, training with Doomie.

"I think I'll give two doses to the order."

"What about the other two?"

"You and I can split one. Each have twelve hours of luck. We can use it accordingly too, if we need. And Ron and Ginny can split the other one."

"Aren't you the nice sister?"

"Might use one for a couple minutes to tell Ginny."

"You don't need the felix felicis to talk to Ginny. And you should do that soon."

"Can't we tell her after we kidnap her and take her with us?"

"We're not going to kidnap her."

"You suggested it!"

"I was joking. You're not kidnapping your sister."

"Fine. I have to go talk to Dumbledore."

"Is this about the big thing he won't let you tell me?" Alex nodded. "Do you want me to come with you?"

"No, it's okay. I'll see you tomorrow." She shrugged and left.

"I hear congratulations are in order. Professor Slughorn tells me you pulled off a very successful felix felicis potion."

"Yeah. I'm donating some to the order. Two vials, worth twenty four hours each. They can be measured out into smaller doses to be used in shorter increments or by more people." She pulled out the two vials and put them on his table.

"That's kind of you." She shrugged. "Is there something on your mind?"

"I have a dose for myself. I can use it, along with Doomie, and try to reverse the curse on your hand."

"I'm not looking to be saved, Alex." He said.

"Why not?"

"Everyone has a time when they must go."

"Why is everyone so willing to fight to their death but not for their life?"

"Some curses simply cannot be broken. And all the luck in the world cannot change that."

"Maybe not, but Doomie might be able to. I have a circlet that boosts my magic, and can help me with some spells. Surely it's worth a try."

"My answer is no, Alex. This is the way it's meant to be."

"Do you know what this is going to do to us? Without you speaking up for Snape, he's never going to be trusted within the order. Harry has already lost a lot and this will break him. Which would be whatever if he wasn't the chosen one, but he is, so that's going to affect morale. And you mean a lot to a lot of people and you're just giving up on that. You're as much a symbol for our side as Harry. Maybe more so. Everyone knows you're the only thing Voldemort is scared of."

"I have a plan, Alex." He said. She crossed her arms.

Getting the news that her brother had been poisoned had been one of the most terrifying moments in her life. She'd seen him earlier that day to give him his birthday present and he'd been fine. And suddenly he wasn't. Alex had rushed right to the hospital wing where Harry was beside him.
"Ronald." She sighed, taking a seat next to her brother. He looked pale and sickly. "This brings me back." She said. "To first year, when he got bit by Hagrid's dragon."

"He'll be okay." Harry told her.

"What happened?"

"Poison. Professor Slughorn poured us both some drinks and Ron drank first. It was poisoned, I suppose, so I, uh, gave him a bezoar, so he'll be okay."

"Thank you for saving him." Alex said with a fierce gratitude.

"He's my best friend, and I got lucky."

"Lucky or not, you saved him." She said. "That means the world to me." Harry nodded.

"I'm sorry about what I said, by the way. About you turning evil before Draco turned good."

"And I'm sorry for punching you." She said. "There's no excuse for violence."

"Hermione says you were going through stuff."

"I was. I am. Shouldn't have hit you. And you're not wrong, Draco is up to something. I'm sure of it. But Draco's father is Lucius. His aunt is Bellatrix. Aside from me, most of his friends come from dark families. If I push him away, then he has no one left to show him he can be a good person. And I know he can be a good person. I've seen him be a good person."

"Maybe." Harry shrugged. "Doesn't change the fact that he isn't doing good things."

Harry had a point. He couldn't afford to give Draco the benefit of the doubt when they all knew he was up to something.

Their conversation was cut off by Hermione and Ginny arriving in the room. Harry stepped back and let Ginny take his place on Ron's other side. Hermione walked over to Alex, her eyes wide.

A/N- Okay, I'm back to my regular schedule, x. Thanks for being patient, you guysss ❤️❤️

Favourite line is "Why is everyone so willing to fight to their death but not for their life?"

Alexandra Weasley: Book 6Where stories live. Discover now