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Alex didn't go to her dorm. Instead she went to the library in search of where her friends were.
"Up!" She demanded.

"Down." Megan remarked dryly.

"Turn around." Charlie added and Alex rolled her eyes.

"Please, just come." She said.

"Where to?"

"The dorms."


"How about you just trust me and I'll fill you in when we get there? Now, please."

"Okay, okay. Don't get your knickers in a twist." Charlie muttered and she and Megan stood up.

"Where are Hannah and Susan?"

"Ancient runes revision in the courtyard." Charlie told her.

"Okay. You two head straight to our dorm. Don't stop for anything or anyone. No detours." Alex insisted. "Promise me."

"You're acting weird."

"I know. I'll fill you in, I promise. But please, go to our dorm and stay there."

"Promise?" Charlie asked. Alex nodded and ran out.

She headed to the courtyard and saw Lizzie on her way.
"I need to borrow you." She said, and proceeded to drag her along.

"I'm not Charlie." Lizzie said, as Alex pulled her.

"I know." There was a loud bang somewhere far back and Alex began running faster.

They reached the courtyard, where Hannah and Susan were packing up their books.
"What happened?" Hannah caught the look on Alex's face.

"Death eaters." Alex said. "Charlie and Megan are in our dorm. Take Lizzie with you and go. Now."

"What about you?"

"I have to find Hermione. I'll be fine, I swear. I'll make my way as soon as I can."

"Alex-" Susan frowned, but she had already begun running. They huddled together and began making their way to the basement as quickly and inconspicuously as they could.

"Where's Alex?" Megan asked when the trio entered the room. Lizzie headed straight to her sister, hugging her tightly.

"She said she was going to go find Hermione."

"I'll go find her." Megan said.

"We do not need another Alex. You can't go off on your own, Megan." Susan stopped her. "Besides, you won't find her. They'll probably go through passages we don't know about."

Alex went to find Hermione, but stumbled in on the fight. She knew she had to be careful with every action. She had to be able to defend every move she made in case Voldemort questioned her.

She saw Ginny fight off a death eater she didn't recognise. She was handling herself fine so Alex continued.

She felt the familiar prickly fear creeping down her spine before she saw him. It was the same sensation she felt around Lupin. Some sort of defense, she supposed. Her magic warning her after her encounter with werewolves, to keep her safe. She tensed, her eyes narrowing as her wand raised immediately in the direction of the threat. He was flanked by a couple of wizards, including Bellatrix Lestrange.

"Aw, the Weasley girl thinks she can hold her own against us." Bellatrix mocked, sounding more amused than threatened.

"Well, you're at a disadvantage. You're not allowed to hurt me, remember?"

"My lord will reward me handsomely for bringing him the head of an enemy."

"And he'll take your head for attempting to harm me." Alex responded.

"You're nothing, girlie." She said, and began to retreat with the other wizard. "All yours, Greyback."

"She's a little too old." He remarked, but ran his tongue over his teeth. "But a good meal, I presume."

"You won't get to find out." Alex immediately began throwing spells at the werewolf.

Fenrir just about dodged her stunning spell, and lunged forward. She cast a shield charm and he bounced off before he got the chance to bite her.

"Ebublio!" She cast, but he moved swiftly, causing the spell to miss him. Spells were useless, when he was able to dodge her attacks with his reflexes. She tried a barrage of hexes in a line in an attempt for a single one to atick, but he was fast. So instead, she stopped and decided to strategise rather than fruitlessly cast spells.

"Had enough?" He asked. "You'll be the second Weasley I kill today. And I thought it would be a slow day."

"Second?" She asked, and took advantage of his triumph to cast a stunning spell. This time it hit him and she ran to find who was hurt. None of her siblings were dead, that much she knew. They couldn't be. She passed by Ginny who was fending off another death eater and stunned him, lending her sister a helping hand.

"Thanks." Ginny said.

"Do you know who's hurt?" Alex asked but Ginny shook her head. They both began running up the halls, helping out allies every once in a while.

They made their way to the entrance hall where Lupin was crouched over a body. Tonks was fighting anyone who came near and Alex surged forward.
"Bill!" She slid down next to him, first checking for a pulse.

"He's alive." Lupin told her. She glared at him, before looking down to tend to her brother. There was a large slash across his face and a lot of blood. She stood up straight.

"Take him to the hospital wing." She told Ginny. "You remember the levitation spell."


"I'll meet you there." Alex said and Ginny nodded. Alex jumped away again, running down the corridor and down to the Hufflepuff basement. Raashid was looking after the children from all the different houses, keeping them safe and unafraid. She nodded at him before heading to her bedroom. Hannah, Charlie and Lizzie were the only ones there.

"Where's Hermione?" Hannah asked.

"I don't know. I haven't seen her yet." Alex said. "Where are Megan and Susan?"

She was rummaging behind her bed and emerged with a pouch. "They went to find you."

Alex cursed and opened her trunk, and pulled out her katana. She fastened her swordbelt and hurried back out.

A/N- Oop. Favourite lines are "Up!" She demanded.

"Down." Megan remarked dryly.

"Turn around." Charlie added.

Alexandra Weasley: Book 6Where stories live. Discover now