Hypnos/Somnus= Sleep and Memories+ Morpheus/Somnia= Sleep and Dreams

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—Wings of Slumber: Has retractable wings they can use to fly with. People who look at them will be slightly swayed, distracted, and even want to go to sleep.
—Curing Amnesia: Can revive the memories of those who lost or had them taken.
—Lethe Blessing: Are immune to the effects of the River Lethe and other memory manipulation magic."
—Memory Scope: Can search through a person's memories through touch
—Memory Meddler: Can use memory-based magic. Effects are always temporary.
—Last Sleep: Can drain the life force of any opponent they have put to sleep.
—Memory Interface: Can travel through their memories and experience them from whatever viewpoint they want.
—Sleep Charge: when their physical bodies are injured, if they have put opponents to sleep, their recovery rate and regeneration speed up dramatically. When they themselves go to sleep, they heal faster.
—Reboot: Able to cause any creature short-term memory loss.
—Memory Of Infinity: They remember EVERYTHING in their lives.
—Bio-Clock: Once they gain a good feel for time, Their subconscious creates its own clock that can adjust itself depending on location and can never be disrupted.
—Poppy and Opium Master: Can summon and use opium. Can summon a field of poppy that put people to sleep
—Lethal Lethe: Can make targets forget whatever the user wants through touch.

+Morpheus= Sleep and Dreams
—Worst Nightmare: Can make an illusion of their opponent's worst nightmares appear, only works on one person at a time.
—Dream Charge: when their physical bodies are injured, if they have put opponents to sleep, their recovery rate and regeneration speed up dramatically but will depend on what dreams they give their opponent.
—Last Nightmare: Can drain the life force of any opponent they are giving nightmares to, the more horrific, the faster their opponent's life is drained.
—Dream Demon: Can summon their shadow as an Avatar that fights with them, appearing as their opponent's worst nightmare and their allies' wildest dreams. Able to use on multiple enemies at once.
—Dream Vision: Can see the last dream of anyone they look at.
—Dream World: Able to create and control illusions of any kind or type.
—Dream Dominator: Able to control and manipulate the dreams of anything that dreams.

—Lucid Lord: Are masters of Lucid dreaming
—Sleep Induction: Able to drain an opponent's energy, which puts them to sleep, through touch.
—Aura Of Relaxation: Always emitting an aura that makes others sleep. Can differ between allies and enemies, as allies will be relaxed enough to enable them to be able to think more clearly, and enemies will be drowsy and sluggish, weakening them.
—Astral Guard: Are immune to any mental and physical control when astral projecting
—Oneiroi Companion: Can summon their Oneiroi counterpart from within themselves, use their powers, or see through their eyes.
—Astral Master: Can astral project. Can only attack others with astral energies while in this state. Spirit-self doesn't feel any pain or exhaustion from their physical bodies while projecting.
—Master Hypnotist: Able to hypnotize people with their eyes, voice, or touch, but only on those with minds weaker than theirs or those who let them.
—Astral Assassin: Able to create, shape, and manipulate astral energy, any astral magic, and any energies that fall under astral energy. Potential depends on the user's creativity.
—Sleep Steroid: Since their bodies are asleep, their spirit-self is supplied an endless amount of strength. The physical attributes of their physical bodies also increase superhumanly, but how much depends on how much power they've built up while sleeping. Can choose to enhance their physical body even further with astral energy and dark energy.
—Astral Command: Can control their own bodies while astral projecting as naturally as if they were still in them. If the user is using Astral Command, you wouldn't even know or be able to tell because they're moving their physical bodies so naturally, unless you see their eyes, which are close, or try and talk to them, which they can't because they're asleep. Does not use any power at all. No one can control their bodies but then while in this state.
However, their physical bodies still get exhausted, even with the physical boost from Sleep Steroid. The user will feel whatever physical exhaustion or pain their body has got while they were "out" when they stepped back "in".
—Winds Of Som: Can summon and control Winds Of Som, a type of wind that can put different aspects of a being to sleep temporarily, like senses, body parts, memories, and emotions. (when it's the senses, the target will become blind, deaf, and unable to smell, feel or taste. Body parts mean the target won't be able to move them for a certain amount of time. Memories mean they will temporarily forget whatever the wielder wants them to. Emotions mean the target will be unable to feel whatever one emotion the user wants)
—Descended From Darkness: Able to shadow travel, control darkness and shadows, see in the dark, infuse their weapons with Darkness, are more powerful in dark places, and can use darkness and shadow magic of any kind since their father is a descendant from Nyx/Nox (and sometimes Erebus/Erebos/Scotus).
—Astral Regen: Can use some of their astral power to heal injuries on their physical body
—Lucid Link: Able to Link and combine the dreams of others, themselves included, and create basically hive dreams. There's no limit on how many people can join, but consent is required first. These hive dreams are kind of like Valhalla, where no one can die, no matter what's done, but anything the people can imagine in the dream is possible. Is extremely useful for socialization, magical parties, and mental training.
—Nocturnal Knight: Can communicate with and control any/all nocturnal creatures, shapeshift into them fully, partially, or as a huge swarm that can be used for regeneration, use the physical attributes and special abilities/powers of any/all nocturnal creatures, use any nocturnal magic, and are stronger and more powerful at night since Nyx/Nox is their grandma.
—Slash Of Sleep: Able to enchant weapons to make other more tired and exhausted, put a limb "to sleep", cause others to see the last nightmare, or infuse weapons with astral energy.
—Dominon Of Dreams: Can wield and use dream magic and sleep magic

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