Asteria/Delos= Shooting and falling Stars, Nighttime Divination, Astrology.

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Sacred Animal: Quail

—Constellation King: Able to channel the power of any constellation available for themselves or others, allowing them to gain access to a huge arsenal of powers, magic, and abilities related to the constellations they're channeling, but only at night, unless it's one of the twelve Greek Zodiacs, which they can channels whenever and wherever.
—Perks of being a Star-Gazer: Only needs 1-2 hours of sleep.
—Mini-Meteor: Can blast shooting star-like projectiles
—AstroKinetic: Can simulate and manipulate any psionic ability through cosmic energy and power. This means they can use telekinesis, telepathy, empathy, teleportation, tactile psionics, and much more. Even better since their psychic powers aren't rooted in psychic energy, psychic-countering powers won't work against them. However blows to the head still stunt most of the astro-psionic abilities with the amount of power they were using determining how long their abilities are stunted
—Nocturnal Prophet: Can tell the future at night by looking at the stars and has prophetic dreams.
—Wings Of Stardust: Sprouts permanent wings that can shoot spines of Stardust.
—Astrology Prodigy: has a naturally in-depth knowledge of all things astrology.
—Shooting Star Velocity: The more they move, the faster they get, like a falling star.
—Gravity Gatherer: Able to create, alter, and manipulate gravity and anti-gravity, primarily their own, as well as generating, absorbing, and manipulating both gravtational and anti-gravitational energy.
—Celestial Commander: Can generate, absorb, alter, redirect, and manipulate starlight and cosmic energy of any kind or type. Starlight burns and freezes. The user can make solid objects out of starlight and cosmic energy.
—Star Sniper: Can take any object they CAN throw and can throw it as a shooting star-like projectile.
—Stellar Surge: Can gain complete and full control over their body and all it's capabilities, enabling them to manipulate any bodily capabilities such as any biological capabilities, systematic capabilities, physiological capabilities, any/all physical and mental attributes, and perceive and absorb all/any natural phenomena and energies the human body gives off, especially star-related ones like bio-electrical and bio-magnetic phenomena, bio-fields, internal energy, all bodily vibrations, particle energy, and much, much, much more. Over output of any bodily energies without rest or external absorption will weaken them severely.
—Cosmic Void: Can create, control, customize and alter black holes by creating and controlling gravitational singularities, regions of gravity so strong, no matter or particle known can escape from it, not even electromagnetic radiation such as light, the fastest substance known, can escape. User also gains the ability to control, distort, manipulate, warp, and bend space to some extent. This ability gets stronger and easier the more it is used and can be used for various possibilities if the user is creative enough.
—Tail Torch: Can summon and control fire and Stardust, is fireproof, and can fly with fire. Like a shooting star.
—Star Charge: Are stronger at night under the stars. The user's body absorbs starlight and cosmic energy at night for them to use whenever they want. Has no limit.
—Eye Of The Night: Can see in the dark and pass it to others temporarily.
—Orbital Overlord:  Can create, perceive, alter, and manipulate orbits and orbital force of any kind, meaning they can control any kind of axis and manipulate any form of rotation or revolution of anything they want realistically, even of themselves. This power gets stronger the more it is used.
—Prophet Of The Zodiac: Able predict the actions of other humans based of their zodiac's with 90%.
—Essense Of Falling Star: Able to summon and control what shooting and falling stars are made of; sand, rocks, dust
—Meteorite Impact: Able to make their strikes hit with the strength and power of a crash impact of a shooting star/meteorite. Any damage, no matter what it is, can be COMPLETELY reversed by the user, but only within 48 hours.
—Astral Acceleration: Able to perceive everything at a accelrated rate, predict the outcomes to nearly any situations, see the choice needed to be made when faced with a situation, and manipulate their own velocity to achieve said-choice. This will allow them to move at super inhuman speeds while also predicting the probability and movement of objects at accelerated rates. They also means they can see multiple futures are once. This power gets stronger the more it is used.
—Gravity Guardian: has complete and total control over their center of gravity and can shift their personal gravity to what ever direction they want, simulating wall-walking, flight, jumping manipulation, and levitation.
—Astrological Avatars: Can summon constellations apparitions to fight for them like avatars, but only at night, unless they're the twelve Zodiacs, which they can summon whenever they want. The zodiac they're born under is the easiest one for them as well as the primary one for them. These avatars have various powers, magic, and abilities related to what they are, their origin(s), and what the user knows.
—AstroKinetic: Can simulate and manipulate any psionic ability through cosmic energy and power. This means they can use telekinesis, telepathy, empathy, teleportation, tactile psionics, and much more. Even better since their psychic powers aren't rooted in psychic energy, psychic-countering powers won't work against them. However blows to the head still stunt most of the astro-psionic abilities with the amount of power they were using determining how long their abilities are stunted and how long they will need to recover
—Zodiac Zapping: Able to channel any of the zodiac's they were born under, allowing them to gain and give a tremendous variety of possible powers, magic, and abilities relating to any zodiacs they were born under from any other zodiac System, meaning Tibetan, Chinese, Celtic, and much more. Going outside their born zodiac's in foreign zodiacs will cause strain is relation to what power they're channeling to get from the foreign zodiac(s). When granting others the abilities of zodiac, they're only unlocking what's already there, meaning whatever zodiac(s) the person is born under is their source of whatever powers they get unlocked.
—Spatial Safety: Their bodies multiply and  produce their own oxygen for emergency situations, meaning their can travel, survive, and navigate through outer space and all other oxygen deprive areas. This also means that any gas based attacks that cause internal damage of any kind through inhalation have little to no effect on them.
—Constellation Channeller: Able to channels and gain the power of any constellations for themselves or others. Their means the can gain a tremendous myriad of of possible powers and abilities relating to a constellation origin(s), what they are, and what the user knows. When granting others abilities, they unlock all powers and abilities of any constellations the target was "born under".

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