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Wine, Grape-Harvest and Vines, Festivity, Madness, Religious Ecstasy, and Theater
Sacred animals: Predatory Felines

—Vine Master: Can summon and control vines, especially grapevines. The potential of this power depends on the user's creativity
—Inner Fury: able to use their rage to access the hidden well of strength they have within themselves.
—Party People: Can absorb power from parties and store it for later.
—Madness Theif: Can absorb the madness of others, increasing their own power. Doesn't mess with them mentally. Allies will be able to think more clearly and enemies will lose some of their drive.
—Wine Dude: Can summon and control wine from nearby. The potential on this power depends on the user's creativity.
—Mist Of Mead: Can emit a swaying-madness-and-drunk-inducing mist. Doesn't differ between friend or foe.
—Flair For Theatrics: Able to create and control eye catching illusions that distract other creatures.
—Spurred By Rage: Can send others into a state of madness. Able to put a focal point as well, making them aim their madness at what ever the user wishes
—Verbal Madness: Always knows what to say to make their opponents mad while pouring magic into their voice, leading them to be unable think clear and make mistakes.
—Madness Maimer: Each successful attack gets more powerful and faster. Can't be predicted either.
—Blessing Of Distress: Can bless weapons that cause who ever to be cut will slowly fall to madness as they lose their ability to think clearly or cause them to feel as if they're drunk, making them sway and less cognitive.
—Righteous Rage: Is they users anger is justified, their powers get a little boost
—Wine Warrior: When consuming alcohol, their physical attributes increase. The increase depends on how much they drink. They can't get drunk in battle unless they need to.
—True Drunk: Can tell the age, how it was made, and what kind of wine just by tasting it.
—Final Madness: Will go into a crazy superhuman state of absolute madness when backed into a corner. Their physical attributes increase. Guide will not work. Will rage until they exhaust themselves.
—Fury Of A Drunkard: Can use wine in their body along with pulling from their divinity from within to become an unpredictable superhuman. Their physical attributes triple. Their minds clear up and become a bit faster than everyone else. When fighting in this state, they appear drunken, however, they become completely unpredictable, even more than Poseidon and his kids, while moving and fighting as fluidly, each "stumble" and "sway" actually a step to their next move. Their fate becomes unreadable and their destiny is in their hands temporarily. (Basically Drunken-Boxing for Superhumans)
—Madness Mongrel: Can use rage to increase their physical abilities.
—Venomous Vines: Can summon and control venomous vine, a lethal growth of vines that produces whatever type of poison the use can think of.

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