Ares/Mars= War, Courage, Violence, Rage, Battlefied

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Sacred animals: Vulture and Boar

—Weapon Birth: Can create and manipulate any kind of weapon(s) the user can think of out of their own power or nothing with their minds. The amount that can be controlled at once depends on the user. Magical, mystical, otherworldly, and Esoterical weapons are included. This power gets stronger the more it is used.
—Rage Rhetoric: Can cause madness/Rage in others to the point of a crazed frenzy with their voice.
—Battle Charge: Gets a burst of power for every opponent they defeat. Gets stronger when fighting
—Power Of The Fallen: Can summon the skills and abilities of those who have fallen in battle, but only if they have an understanding of them and only one person at a time.
—Seething Seer: able to sense what makes people mad the most.
—Courageous Combo: The more they strikes uninterrupted, the stronger and faster their attacks become. Has no enhance limit. Doesn't need to be used against anything for it to work. Can be used whenever the user pleases.
—Natural-Born Warrior: enhanced Battle reflexes, easily masters any form of fighting, and tougher skin.
—Drive Thief: Can drain the courage or rage from others. Doesn't work well on those who are overly reckless or those with strong minds
—Righteous Rage: If the users anger is justified, their powers get a little boost
—Hemo Lightning: Can summon and control Hemo Lightning, a type of electricity produced from the user's blood instead of the sky, meaning it's out of Zeus's domain. It burns, electrocutes, or freezes the target's blood, but how fast is up to the user. If fighting against inanimate objects, summoned creatures, apparitions, or semi-living constructions, then the effects will then harm the caster or summoner of said summons, but only by half. Can use this electricity to increase/decrease their physical and mental attributes on command,
—Courageous Crusade: the more they're injured, the stronger the user and their abilities get.
—Strike Of Violence: Can increase the power of their strikes to a superhuman level.
—Aura Of Courage/Bloodlust/Rage: Can emit an aura that increases the bloodlust, rage, or courage of those around themes.
—Fighting Spirit: they have natural fighting instincts along with getting stronger the more they are injured and/or the odds are against them.
—Rage Riser: The angrier they get, the stronger and more powerful they become.
—Berserker's Final Charge: Goes into a War-crazed superhuman frenzy when backed into a corner. The one they love has to be there to guide them to their enemies, as Love is attracted to War, otherwise, they will not be able to differentiate between friend or foe.
—Violence Vizer: Can turn any area into violence and chaos.
—Battlefield Awareness: Their awareness increases before a fight, analyzing everything, the entire battlefield, objects around them, the clothing of the opponent, their breathing, dominant hand, what leg their weight is on, etc.
—Rage Of A Reaper: They have indomitable strong rage. This means they can accomplish the impossible and transcend certain expectations through sheer rage.

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