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= Travelers, Thieves, Merchants, Messengers, Communication, Roads, Trades, Sports, Loads, Speed.

Sacred animals: Tortoise, Hawk, Hare

—Omni-Speed: Can manipulate their own velocity/speed, allowing them to run, move, react, and reach speeds faster than almost anyone and anything. The potential depends on the user's creativity and understanding of science on velocity, movement, and the human body.
—Stealth: Can turn invisible and/or erase their presence on command.
—Sport Savant: Are natural-born athletes
—Physical Deception: Can shapeshift into other people.
—Superhuman Versatility: Able to pick up on skills faster than anyone.
—Transcending Traveler: Able to teleport to any place they've already been to, see what places and other people have been to through touch, teleport objects and people to any place they've been to, and enhance the teleporting abilities of other creatures.
—Memory Of Deceit: Can remember every lie they have ever told.
—Lock And Curse Control: Can sense and unlock any lock and deactivate curses placed on locks with their mind.
—Siblings of Communication: Can telepathically communicate with each other, since their father is the God of Communication.
—Mental Messenger: Can send mental images and speak into the minds of other beings (not Telepathy) for messaging or disrupting their opponent's thoughts during fights.
—Hands of a Thief: Can supernaturally steal things without others noticing.
—Wings of Hermes: Can bless their footwear to sprout wings, allowing them to fly and move faster on their feet.
—Alchemist: Able to do alchemy-based magic better than nearly anyone.
—Charm: Can magically influence people into doing what they want. Is so subtle, the target doesn't notice. Does not work well on the person they like, those with strong wills, or smart people.
—Power Thievery And Mimicry: Can permanently steal and/or temporarily mimic the powers of others. Absorption and/or Mimicry takes no strength from the user at all. Will know what the original user knows on how to use said powers when they steal and/or mimic them. If from an ally/friend, they will be mimicking through either sight/touch and able to use the full power of the abilities of the original power, but temporarily for 3-4 hours.
If from an enemy, They will permanently steal their opponent's abilities and will start off with 15% of the full power of the original owner, however, touch is required and when the user dies, the powers go to the original user's bloodline, meaning in the original user is dead, their stolen powers will go to their descendants at the original user's current power at the time of the theft, whether they're related or not (Adoption).
—Omnilingual: Able to speak the language of any living creature they touch.
—Travel Tapping; Able to Manipulate any form of travel and transportation.
—Need For Speed: Can manipulate the efficiency and speed of the mind, brain, and any bodily processes, allowing them to accelerate and decelerate any of their physiological functions and coordination, kicking them into overdrive.
—Stat Stealer: Able to temporarily steal all their opponent's physical abilities. If their opponents die while under theft, the user will gain 5-10% of said opponents' physical abilities permanently, creating a mental meta-physical well of stolen power. Overuse of both the power gain and the power itself will result in temporary physical strain on the body.
—Signal Sovereign: Able to create, perceive, understand, control, and manipulate signals of any kind or type. (Electrical Signals, neural impulses, radio signals, FTL transmission, Energy signatures, etc, are all forms of communication. Tell me I'm wrong)
—Road Revealer: Can see the future as paths and roads they can take.
—Communication Colonel: Able to communicate with anything and everything. This would let the user do things like communicate with nature and everything it brings and manipulate it to some degree, influence/interact with and control technology of any kind, commune with the cellular structures of themselves and others, communicate in any way with any material, even communicate with the universe it's self. Can be done telepathically, which is the weakest, verbally, which is average, or through touch, which has the strongest effect.

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