Senior year here they come!

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-Clarke's POV-

Sunday, 15:00, 3 pm

"Where is she?" and "We need to get her" is all I heard. I was scared for my life. I didn't really have a good hiding spot, but I needed to catch my breath. I hid behind this container I saw in an alley. My breathing was fast I was scared they could hear it all the way in Australia... I tried to calm down, lower the volume I was making, which only made it worse... of course. I could hear footsteps now,  meaning they were closing in. I needed to move, but before I could get myself on my feet I felt a sharp pain in my back and heard "FOUND HER, SHE IS OVER HERE!" It was a familiar voice. 

I turned around


She was laughing her ass off, of course it was Raven, soon the other delinquents joined her. I still winched from the pain in my back and said "Why did we need to choose the biggest balls there were, I'm gonna go home with a lot of bruises!!" I heard Bellamy laugh "Well if you're going to play paintball, you better do it good!" "Oh it is so on." I said right before shooting him in the stomach. That was the signal for everyone to run off, from now on it was everyone on their own.

At the end of the game Murphy came out as the winner, which meant he didn't have to pay for dinner. This was the best and only rule the delinquents had, whenever we would do a game, the person who wins doesn't need to pay for the next thing we were gonna do. 

In this case it was dinner at the dropship. I asked Bellamy why they all wanted to shoot me first, he only answered with "Who we are and who we need to be to survive are two very different things, sorry princess" I looked at him weird and decided to ask the group once we were at the dropship. "Oh and don't call me princess, you sheep." He only laughed in response. 

Once we were at the dropship I asked the delinquents why they were REALLY all targeting me at the start off the game, Jasper was happy to answer. With the biggest smile on his face he said "You remember what deal we had, for the first person that got shot, Clarke." I sighed and disappeared under the table, how could I forget that. I needed to do a dare... Now you may think that isn't such a big deal, but it was. Because they all came together to shoot me first it could only mean one thing and I wasn't going to get out of it... 

Once I came back from under the table I could see the smirks everyone was wearing. "Monty, Jasper, Raven, Octavia, Bellamy and Murphy." I said all their names very strict "This is better not what I think it is." "YES IT IS" they all said in unison "You have to ask Nylah out." Bellamy said. I pulled an embarrassed face and buried my hands in my head. "Oh, Clarkie you can't escape it now, plus  you have the hots for her, for like 2 months. Every time we eat here we have to hear about how hot she is." Octavia said. And while that may be true. I didn't have the balls to ask her out. Nylah had worked at the dropship for the last 2 months and she is jus really beautiful okay. 

Knowing there was no way out I just went with it and said okay, which leaved surprised looks on everyone's faces. Nylah was working tonight and stood at the bar. It was a quiet night, so she didn't really have anything to do. I stood up and walked over to her. "Hey Nylah can I ask you something?" "Sure Clarke, is the food all good?" she asked with a concerned tone. She knew all off our names, because we were regulars at the dropship. "Yes, all good" 

The next part didn't come out as smooth as I wanted. "I- uhh, was wondering....... if maybe you wanted to grab uhh a coffee with me.... or not coffee, if you don't like coffee, maybe wine, not that I want you drunk or something I just-" That is when Nylah cut me off. "Clarke are you asking me on a date?" I could feel my face become bright red, I was nervous and embarrassed at the same time. "Uh Yes I am." "I would love to go on a date with you, give me your number." 

Once we exchanged numbers, I gave her a smile and returned to the delinquents. I gave them a nod and they all started screaming and celebrating. "This is gonna be the best year of high school ever!!" Monty yelled. Oh shit that's right, we have school tomorrow, we went paintballing to celebrate the last day of our freedom. I totally forgot with all that is happened today. 

Senior year here we come!

-Lexa's POV-

Sunday, 17.00, 5pm

I was laying on the couch in my little brother Aiden's arms, watching a movie. Yes I know he is younger and smaller than me, so it doesn't make sense that he is the one holding me, but this is the only place I feel safe and loved. No one can make me feel this way other than Aiden. Not even Costia my ex-girlfriend could. 

Aiden and I live alone together. Our parents died when I was five years old, Aiden was two. Since then we have been living in a lot of foster families. Luckily we have always been together. Aiden is the only constant in my life. So when I turned 18 I got us an apartment and made sure I was Aiden's legal guardian, so he could live with me. Our parents were quite rich, they left us enough money, to rent an apartment together. 

I couldn't have done it without Indra, Gustus and Anya though. They were the last foster family Aiden and I have been in. We lived there for about 3 years. They're like family, but now that we have a place of our own we finally have a consistent place, kinda like Aiden is to me. 

We are always there for each other, like the one time Aiden got hit by some bully. I almost killed the kid, I was so angry. He never laid a hand on Aiden again. Aiden was there for me when I lost my first soccer game, or whenever I got a bad grade, and when Costia died... I loved her so much. She died over one year ago, I swore to never kiss another women again, which I never did, and I never will. 

At the thought of Costia my eyes begin to water, I get shaken out of my thoughts when Aiden yells "HA, the bitch got what he deserved." We where watching 'The Devel's hand' or something, I didn't pay attention to the movie. When Aiden looked down at me, I realized he saw that I was about to cry, with my eyes all wet. So he held me tighter and asked "Costia?" I only nodded. He just held me an let me cry, whispering loving words in my ears. Aiden is the only one who ever sees me cry or who I talk about my feelings with. To the outside world I am like a stone.

After a while my tears stopped and I stood up "So what do you wanna eat tonight?" I asked. I could see a smile forming on his lips, god I loved that little smile. "No, we need to eat healthy tonight!" "But..." He tried every time, he is persistent, I'll give him that. "We are not eating pizza Aiden! We need to be healthy, we've had pizza yesterday." "Okay... Salmon with rice and peas than?" "That's more like it, I will go to the store, will you prep for when I come back?" "Yes Lexieee." God I hated that nickname, no matter how many times I say that to him he just keeps calling me Lexie "Alright bye, and stop with Lexie please." I gave him a kiss on his forehead and grabbed the keys. I was almost outside when I heard Aiden yell after me "You know I won't!" 

Once I got back we started to cook together. We always make dinner together if we're both home. "So you excited for our first day tomorrow? you know new school, new friends." Aiden asked. We stared at each other for a second and then started laughing "Pff as if we ever had any friends Aiden." We were never somewhere long enough to make friends. But now it could be different. We were staying the whole year, on one school, Arkadia high, I was a senior and Aiden a freshman. "We will see." Aiden said. "Senior year here I come!" 

TAKK (Norway, Norwegian)

Thank you for reading this it means a lot, let me know what you think or if you have any suggestions. If you like this story don't forget to vote, that would mean the world to me!

Have a great day or night everyone!

TIL NESTE GANG (Norway, Norwegian)

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