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-Clarke's POV-

Friday, 08.00, 8 AM

Lexa and I agreed we would be at school half an hour earlier to go over our debate for English. I was waiting for her at the tree, thinking about the make out session we had yesterday, about how we texted yesterday evening. I had closed my eyes and was deep in my thoughts, so I didn't see Lexa walking up to me. I felt two hands on my shoulders "Hey beautiful, what ya thinking?"

We weren't dating, hell we weren't even exclusive, we didn't talk about that yet. I set a mental note to talk to Lexa about that. I wasn't talking/seeing some one else for that matter. "If your lucky you'll find out later" I said with a smirk and a wink. It was quiet for some time, we stared in each other's eyes, the tension building, I wanted so bad to take her back to that little art room. "Library?" I asked to break the sexual tension between us, I couldn't handle it this early, not while we had to stand in front of the whole class in half an hour.

Our practice went well, we remembered everything, we were gonna rock this thing. Five minutes before class Lexa got a call. "Sorry Clarke, I have to take this" I nodded. "What?........ okay I will be right there" Her voice changed to immediate worry. "Clarke I am really sorry, but I have to go.... sorry" I didn't get the change to ask her why, or to even respond. I could tell that she was worried by the look in her eyes.

Great, I will have no opponent in the debate that starts in five minutes... my head running overtime about why Lexa suddenly had to go. She better have a good explanation otherwise I am done with her.

English was hell after that, Pike yelling because Lexa wasn't there, of course we got an F because Lexa wasn't there, and the school didn't know about it so basically, she was skipping class. I could handle it if Lexa had a good reason... I am gonna give her a change to explain herself and if she doesn't... it is done simple is that. I'm a pretty reasonable person for that matter.

This was by far the longest schoolday ever, my mind kept going to Lexa, not being able to focus on my work. Once my last class was done, I went to the art room, to draw and take my mind off things... mostly Lexa. When I started drawing, I had no idea what I was making, just let my pencil do the work.

Soon I found out I was drawing Lexa... of course, only seemed fitting as she didn't leave my mind all day. I drew her in black and white, except her eyes, I colored her eyes, those deep green forest eyes I like so oh so much.

When it was time for me to go to bed, Lexa still hadn't reached out. She had a whole weekend before I saw her again on Monday, so she had time...

-Lexa's POV-

I felt bad I needed to leave Clarke, but it was my little brother.... I got a call from the hospital saying he got in an accident. I was racing on my bike to get to the hospital, I got there after twenty minutes, twenty damn minutes to long. "Aiden Woods" "Second floor room fifteen" the lady at the desk said. I went on my way there.

I saw him lying there, luckily still by consciousness, nothing to crazy. "Hey Lex... I am fine don't worry" Well that is to late little man. "What happened?" I asked when I sat down on the seat next to his bed.

"It was a drunken driver, he swept me off my bike when I was on my way to school. He didn't drive that hard, so I got off with a broken leg, bruised ribs, and a mild concussion. The doctor left 2 minutes ago." I went to lay next to him in bed. "I am sorry A, I should have been here, fiya A."

That last was from a language we made up when we were little, so only we knew what we were saying to each other. We used it a lot back in the day, because we could never speak in private, there were always people. With this we could talk freely with each other. Now we only used it when it was really emotional. I felt like I could express myself more in this language.

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