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-Lexa's POV-

Monday, 17.00, 5PM

Two weeks... It had been two weeks. Clarke and I hadn't talked for two whole weeks. It was killing me, I simply missed her. Her voice, the blonde hair that swayed over her shoulders, her touch that send shivers though my entire body. These were the longest two weeks I ever had.

Luckily I could sit with my soccer team during lunch. Oh yeah, I made the team, I wasn't that excited over it.... I couldn't tell Clarke. They were really cool. Our school had mixed teams, but Luna and I were the only girls on the team. Luna became a friend of mine very quick, I didn't tell her things about me, like my parents and Costia. But I liked her, she was really cool. I think Clarke would like her too.... The thing that made this all far worse is that I could all make it stop, I just had to tell Clarke..

I was too scared to do it. Aiden kept telling me I should talk to her. He was also my distraction, being able to take care of him took my mind of things. Well not really, but it was still a nice distraction. He even told me that I should get my head out of my ass and that if I didn't tell her, he would. I guess he is right, but I couldn't tell Clarke, I already broke by just thinking about my parents, let alone tell her. "You should write a letter" Aiden said. That was actually not a bad idea. I wouldn't have to tell Clarke face to face, but I could still explain myself. I nodded and went to my room to write the letter.

It took a lot of time, even more tears, and a trash can full of crumpled paper, but I finally wrote the letter. I would put it in her locker tomorrow, at the end of the day. It was a good plan.

-Clarke's POV-

Tuesday, 15:30, 3.30 PM

I was walking to my locker, at the end of the day. I just had history with Lexa, I was still mad at her. She didn't want to tell me why she stood me up, so I wasn't going to come to her. If she really wanted this, she needed to come to me. It were two really long weeks tho, the worst weeks ever. I was beginning to lose hope when I found an envelope in my locker. 'Clarke' It said. It was Lexa's handwriting. My heart skipped a beat at this sight, I decided to take the letter home and read it there. In case it got emotional. Wich it probably would. 

When I got seated in my car, I couldn't wait anymore, I needed to know what was in the letter. I decided to read it in my car, in the school parking lot. It may not be the best idea, but I just couldn't wait anymore.


I write you this letter, because I am to scared to tell you in person, to scared I will cry and not being able to tell you this. The truth is; I didn't even have the balls to write you this letter. But Aiden threatened that he would kill all my candles, I couldn't let that happen of course. No but seriously, he said that if I didn't tell you, he would. You can't imagine how grateful I am for this little guy. I guess I am going to tell you why, because I am going to tell you why I didn't show up for our debate two weeks ago.

When Aiden was two and I five, we spend quite some nights with a babysitter, she was our neighbor. My parents were both firefighters so to have a babysitter next door was essential. They were twins so always one of them was home.

Don't get me wrong, our parents were always there for us, but sometimes they just had to leave to fight fires. The job could take just an hour but it could also take fifteen, we were never sure when our parents would be home again. One night tho, they didn't come back at all. The only thing I remember from that night is the police at my door, saying mommy and daddy wouldn't come back. I was to young to fully understand what happened, but I knew I was never going to see them again. Aiden for sure didn't know what was happening.

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