Pizza, movies and cuddles

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-Clarke's POV-

Monday, 16:30, 4.30 pm

"So, we need to find something we disagree on." I said once we were settled down at the dinner table inside. "Yes, well obviously we don't know that much about each other, so maybe we should look at Pike's list." she said. Pike gave us a list with potential topics. "Yeah, I think that is the best idea. The first topic on the list is abortion, pro or con?"

"Pro, of course" she responded. "Yeah, me too" We went over a few topics which we all agreed on. "Okay, the death sentence, pro or con?" I asked bored since we seemed to agree on all these topics. "Pro" "Wait really? I guess we just found our topic Lex!" I said enthusiastically, not realizing I just called her Lex.

"Ugh, well luckily the first part is done, so what do we do now? Research? To argue our point of view?" she asked. "Yes, if we do our research now, we can practice today and one more time Friday morning and be done with the project, sound good?" I asked. "Perfect."

We were doing research for over one hour now. I couldn't really concentrate with the sight in front of me. I mean anyone who could, would be blind. I was watching her working, occasionally our eyes met. Whenever that happened, I would feel my hole body lighten up. I really hope Lexa will stay in my life. We just met, but I got a feeling we will see a lot of each other.

After another hour we were done with our research. We practiced our debate, it was an equal debate, both parties made good points. "Well, I am glad we finished that." I said looking at the clock "Oh shoot it is already 7 pm, you hungry? We could eat pizza together, if you want. We deserve it. After all, we did a pretty good job today, don't you think?"

"Yeah, pizza would be nice, let me just text home that I am eating here" she said. Why did she say home, not her parents? Hmm... Interesting... "Yeah, sure" I said walking to the kitchen. She followed me into the kitchen after a few minutes. "Well, we don't have frozen pizza anymore. We have the ingredients to make it ourselves, or we just order, because me and the kitchen always goes wrong" I said to her once she entered the Kitchen.

"Clarke who eats frozen pizza, we're not barbaric, why don't we make our own pizza. I promise I will help. I'm quite good at cooking if I say so myself" she said with a grin on her face, damn I would do anything just to see that grin. "Okay fine, but don't be surprised if the pizza is burned" I said throwing my hands in the air.

-Lexa's POV-

Clarke grabbed the stuff we needed to make our pizza. I chopped the veggies and Clarke spread the tomato sauce over the dough. "We are quite the team Clarke" I said "We are" she said with a smile. Yes, the butterflies who were still in my stomach just tried to burst out my body, violently. All it took was a simple smile from the goddess right in front of me. All I wanted to do was kiss her smile, I knew I couldn't we just met today. She was probably straight anyway.

Once we put the cheese and the veggies over the pizza, we shoved it in the oven. We were halfway through cleaning up the kitchen, when Clarke said: "You know Lex, I really like your eyes. They're like my new favorite color" now she was cupping my cheek with her hand. I did not know what to do. I only knew that my knees started to shiver, I could barely stand with these feelings rushing through my body.

"Ha, you got a little something on your face Lex" Now I saw that she had left over flour in her hand, and it was on my face. She was laughing so hard right now. It was the most beautiful sound I ever heard. Just because of her I also started laughing. While grabbing some flour I said: "Oh it is on... wait what is your last name?" throwing flour in her face.

"Griffin, if you must know, yours?" she asked while attacking me with the only flour that was left at the counter. "Woods" I said holding my hand out still laughing, I was laughing so hard that I was gasping for breath. Right when she wanted to grab my hand, I pretended I was on my way to brush the flour away from my face. "Sorry Griffin, that is what you get when you claim the last flour" she just shoved me slightly, sending shivers down my spine, again.

"Alright let's just clean this up and we can watch a movie while we wait for the pizza" Clarke said. "Good plan" But by the time we were done cleaning, the pizza was also ready. We just decided to watch the movie while eating the pizza.

"So, what movie you wanna watch?" Clarke asked "I don't really watch a lot of movies, but I guess I have been wanting to see 'happiest season'" I said. "Okay we can watch that, is it on Netflix?" "Yes, it is" Clarke put it on, and we watched the movie, well I did not exactly follow the storyline, I was too nervous, because I was sitting next to Clarke. Our legs were slightly touching. 

When she finished her pizza, she laid her head on my shoulder. "Is this, okay?" she asked. Is this, okay? I thought, of course it is! There was a pretty girl laying on my shoulder, making me feel things I never felt. Of course, it is okay! "Yes Clarke" Is all I said. We laid on the couch comfortably, when the movie ended she practecly laid on top of me. 

My arms were wrapped around her, and I felt calm. It was a good feeling. Like the feeling I get when I am walking on the pitch a few minuts before the game. Letting the sun fall on my face, thaking a deep breath and mentally prepare for the game. I always feel very calm the 5 minuts before the game. This feeling tho, the feeling I have when Clarke lays in my arms. It is much better. I didn't think it was possible to feel this kind of calmness. But it was and it was with Clarke.  

Clarke got up  a few minuts after the movie ended and spoke. "Well, that was the gayest shit I had ever seen" "Oh I'm sorry, you didn't like it?" I was scared I put her though a movie she didn't like or made her feel uncomfortable. "No, I liked it, even though it was one of those typical stories where one is in the closet and the other not. Like almost every lesbian story on tv" she sighted, and I nodded "yeah true there isn't much representation on tv" she nodded at that. "You know for me there is even less."

Now I was confused, what did she mean by that, was she bi, pan, maybe even transgender? I just know don't care. I just need to ask her. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Well for you as lesbian there isn't much representation, but for me as a bisexual there's even less" OMG she was bisexual, I was screaming inside, with happiness. "Yeah, that is right, it is sad" I said. There was a moment of silent. It was not awkward at all; we were just thinking.

"You know I'm kind of sad that we finished our project" I looked at her confused before she continued. "Now I don't have an excuse anymore to hang out with you, I like your company" my heart made a huge jump at that, I was sure Clarke could hear it. "Same here! but we don't need a school project to hang out together" I winked. God, was I flirting? Was she flirting? I like it, that is all I know. I could see Clarke's cheeks getting darker, I figured the same was happening with mine.

"I think I should probably head home" I said as I watched at the clock. It was already 9 pm. "Uhm yeah, but it is dark outside, and you are on your bike, so I either drive your home.... or you stay the night." Well, I was for sure not staying the night, it was tempting for sure, but I needed to get home. Aiden was home alone, and I do not like leaving him alone in the night.

"Oehh tempting, but I definitely need to go home, what about my bike?" I asked, still with a smile on my face at the thought of sleeping over, okay I need to stop thinking like this, we just met damn it. Although it felt like we had known each other for a while. "We will figure that out tomorrow. I can pick you up tomorrow for school" 

"Yeah that would be nice, thank you Clarke." "Yes sure, I am not letting you go home by yourself at this hour!" I was truly touched by how she already cared for me enough to get me home safe. I would have done the same. If... you know, I had a license.

Once we arrived at my home I spoke "You know I would have asked you this under other circumstances, but can I have your number? You need to say yes, because I need to know if you came home okay" she giggled a bit and gave me her phone so I could put my number in it. 

The sound of her lauging send shivers down my spine. I don't think I will ever hear enough of the beautiful sound she made, I wonder what other sounds she can make.. "I will text you, see you tomorrow!" she said, luckely ripping me out of my thought before they went any farther. I nodded and with that she drove off. I watched her car until I couldn't see it anymore. 

OBRIGADO! (Portugal, Portuguese)

Thank you for reading this it means a lot, let me know what you think or if you have any suggestions. If you like this story don't forget to vote, that would mean the world to me!

Have a great day or night everyone!

NA PRÓXIMA VEZ (Portugal, Portuguese)

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