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-Clarke's POV-

Friday, 18:30, 6.30 PM

"No way you brought me here..." I looked at Lexa with admiration, mouth dropped open, but still a smile formed on my face. I grabbed Lexa's hand and practically ran us inside the building.

Once we were inside, I turned around to look at Lexa, she was looking at me with such a cute, beautiful smile, I felt myself melt inside. I gave her a tight hug "Thank you Lex, this is amazing!" I whispered in her ear. She just hugged me back tighter. One of the best feelings in the world "No need to thank me, that smile on your face is already enough." She said while breaking the hug.

"So Klork, in which of these games should I beat your ass first?? You choose" Why is it that whenever she says my name it is so damn good to hear it, it was so different than whenever someone else said it.

"Hmm air hockey" I placed my hand on her back and said: "Oh and you are definitely not gonna beat me." Lexa grabbed my hand and let us to the air hockey. "Game on Griffin" she said once we where eye to eye on either side of the table. God even the way she said my last name was so damn good. I was bleu, she red.

*Pong, cling, cling* "HA, if you wanna win you have to defend Clarke." Damn it I can't believe I was so distracted by the way Lexa said my name, that she made the first shot.

I grabbed the puck, squeezed my eyes shut and slid it fast to Lexa's side... And so the game began..

0-2 for Lexa

1-2 for me

1-3 for Lexa

1-4 for Lexa

Damn it she was winning; I cannot let this happen.

2-4 goal for me

"YASSS I am back in the game baby... ohhh I am so gonna win!!"

Who ever was at 10 points first won the game.

2-5 for Lexa

"WAUWW, nice goal... I am gonna win babe!"

2-6 for Lexa

She just threw her hands in the air and smiled. I got to say it was not a bad view... but I had to be fast and win this game.

We didn't have much time to celebrate if we scored, because it is a fast game, this time Lexa took more time than I needed to grab the puck, and score a goal.

3-6 my goal

"Your getting sloppy Lex, I am so gonna win this." I said keeping my focus on the game.

4-6 again my goal

5-6 my goal

5-7 for Lexa

"Not so fast sweetheart." She said with a smirk on her face.

6-7 my goal again.

"Hmm what did you say??" Now the smirk was on my face.

6-8 for Lexa

7-8 my goal

7-9 for Lexa

Shitt she just needed one goal... I needed three for god's sake, but I had the puck...

8-9 my goal

I couldn't help but smile, I just had to keep my defenses up... that isn't my strong suit, but I am just gonna try...

8-10 Lexa won.

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