It's Christmas baby!!

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Thursday- December 22nd

-Lexa's POV-

"We're going rock climbing!!" Clarke said with a lot of excitement on her face. That was actually not a bad idea, pretty cool. Everyone responded very exciting. They were all jumping up and down, ready to get their stuff and go do it. All a bunch of big kids. Frankly so was I, this could be fun!

"No way Monty! I was way better then you!" Jasper yelled in the van, on the way back. The married couple was arguing again, at this point we just let it go, in two minutes they're all over each other again anyway.

The rock climbing was really fun and challenging, I went behind Clarke, great view off her ass. I was happy.

The rest of the day we just hang out around the condo. It was really relaxed. The rest of the stay we just hang out here. A real vacation. On December 24th we went back home to go celebrate Christmas eve with our families... well broken family's but still. Clarke was gonna celebrate it with the delinquents and whatever family they could scrape together. The boyfriends/girlfriends weren't gonna come so I was just gonna be with Aiden. Clarke did invite me, but I was happy to celebrate it with Aiden. I needed to be with him on Christmas.

"It sucks we're not together on Christmas." Clarke whispered to me on the last morning. The last time we would wake up in this bed. "I know, but it's also good to spend some time together with family." She went to lay on my chest. "Yeah, but like can't we be together on Christmas, I know Christmas eve is good we spend apart, for now, but come on Christmas..." I pulled her head closer to my chest.

Clarke was gonna spend Christmas itself with the same people as Christmas eve, but Aiden and I were gonna spend it with Anya, Indra and Gustus. We hadn't seen them in a while. "Can't we just put all those people together on Christmas, I mean Indra, Gustus and Anya were gonna come to you anyway, my house isn't that much further. And then I can meet them!" I sighted; I didn't know if this would be a good idea, but I did like the thought of being with Clarke on Christmas.

"Alright, why don't we each discuss the idea with the other people and see if they are up to it." Clarke smiled and gave me a kiss. "Yeyyy"

Sunday- December 25th Christmas!

Indra, Gustus and Anya found it a great idea to spend Christmas with Clarke and the gang. Gustus said; "This way I can talk to Clarke's mom about you two." Meaning Clarke and me. He was so protective over the three of us. I couldn't wait till I saw Anya again. It was to long since I've seen her. Well I saw her last night, for Christmas eve, but like before that. She really feels like a sister. They would come in the morning so we would have the day with the five of us and go over to Clarke's in the evening.

"Eyy long time no see sis" Anya jumped in my arms when I opened the door. I could barley keep standing, but I didn't care. Once everyone greeted everyone, we went into the kitchen to cook together. We were gonna bring the stuffing tonight. I loved hanging around the kitchen with all of us. It felt great. Also, because I saw Aiden enjoy it so much, Aiden was Indra's favorite even though she didn't tell us, they were always wrestling and laughing together.

I was watching the two of them when Anya came standing beside me. "Sooo, you got a girlfriend hé." She said with one eyebrow up. "Yeah, I love her so much, she is really good for me and so sweet, and beautiful- "Anya cut me off. "Yeah, yeah, I already heard about that over the phone, and yesterday. What I really want to know is... Is she any good in bed?" She said with a smirk. I should've known Anya would say something like that, she is the most oversexed virgin ever.

"We actually do not have any sex." I looked Anya straight in the eyes, I saw her confused for a second. But when I started to laugh, she laughed too. "Girl, you almost got me." I was kind of proud of myself for fooling Anya like that. "No seriously, is she any good?" I looked at her. "Oh, she really is." With that Anya was satisfied.

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