whatever the hell we want

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-Lexa's POV-

Tuesday, 21 December

"How many beers did you drink?" asked Clarke when she and I were back in our room. "Just one." Neither of us had really drank, we were all tired from the drive. "Well... me too, so..." She walked over to me and traced two fingers over the length of my arm, all while positioning herself behind me. "We're good to pick up where we left?" She grabbed my waist and started kissing my neck from behind, causing me to throw my neck in her shoulder to give her more space.

I turned around to face her. "First I kind of want to talk to you about that." She nodded in understanding. "I really liked the chocking, but I don't want it to go any further. Well not yet, I don't know. But like don't degrade me or anything. And I'm only comfortable with it if I can do the same to you, not now, but like that I know we have this equal dynamic. If that makes sense. It probably doesn't, but that's how I feel." I looked in her eyes and saw that she understood. "It makes total sense Lex! I definitely feel the same."

"Okay" She smiled, which made me smile too. Now we were just two morons looking at each other smiling. I felt great. I looked down at her lips, she was biting on them. It was already driving me crazy. She slowly closed the distance between us, by softly pressing our lips together and pulling my waist against hers.

I felt the electricity run through my body; this was something new, exciting. Letting myself go, surrender myself completely to Clarke. Before I always had some sort of control even when Clarke was dominant, but now that we set some boundary's I was ready to let her do anything she wants with me...

She broke the kiss, I whimpered at the loss of contact. "Take off your clothes, but leave your underwear on." I did as Clarke told me, I quickly took of my shirt and pants. Her eyes roaming my body. She walked up to me and backed me up against the wall. Breathing heavily against my ear. "I'm gonna take such good care of you." I could only smile. Her confidence was everything.

Her hands going up and down my body, her tongue heavenly dancing in my mouth.

"Take off my clothes." She whispered on my lips. I gently started unbuttoning her blouse and slid it off her arms. I helped her step out of her jeans and as soon as she kicked them away her hand was on my chest, looking me in the eyes. Asking again if I was sure, and I was, 100%.

So, I nodded.

She slowly slid her fingers around my neck. All while looking me deep in my eyes. A bright sparkle in them. Holy fuck did I love this. I felt her fingers going down my body. They stopped at the waist band on my panties. Teasing the shit out of me. She started kissing me again, teasingly.

The firm choke hold, mixed with the light touches right above my panties were driving me crazy. I was a whimpering mess. I felt my panties fill with fluids. The warmth of my pussy sending waves of desire into my body.

I backed my hips forward, to get some fraction. It was driving me crazy. I felt Clarke smiling on my lips as response. Pushing my waist further away from hers, back in the wall again. "No, no. I'm in charge." Her authorical raspy voice sounded way to good. She waited, and waited for what felt like ages...

Then started to let her fingers go down the length of my pussy. Touching me over my panties. It was not going to take long for me to finish...

Clarke had moved on to kissing, sucking my neck. Her hand traveled down my body over my breast to grab my side right under my boob and press me against the wall very firm. She was most definitely going to leave hickeys, and I couldn't care less.

I was hers.

She pushed aside the fabric of my panties and slid her fingers through my folds. "Mmhhh" My moans were out of control. Good thing Clarke was strong because I was not, anymore...

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