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-Lexa's POV-

Thursday, 11:00, 11 AM

It was third period, and I was kind of nervous, there would be a new teacher. Clarke and I went to the principal yesterday right before school, to tell what had happened the day before. At first, he wouldn't believe Clarke and I, but when I showed him the video, he said he would fire Pike immediately.

Clarke told her side of the story I told mine; I was hanging around school doing some homework. In case Clarke decided to go to my house after school. I was scared of how she was going to react after the letter I wrote her. (Of course, I didn't say the last two sentences out loud.) I suddenly heard loud screams coming from inside the building. So, I ran towards it.

While I was running, I grabbed my phone out of my back pocket and started to film. I only had to swipe right on my phone to start filming. When I bursted through the door -where the sound came from, I had recognist the one screaming... It was Clarke, it was like something flipped inside me, I ran harder than ever before- I saw Pike standing there, grabbing Clarke's wrist.

Luckily, Pike would be banned from campus, and we would get a new teacher.

"Hello everyone, I am your new English teacher, Marcus Kane" I was shaken out of my thoughts, hearing our new teacher. I looked at Clarke, she sat right next to me. She looked a bit uneasy.

So, I intertwined my fingers with hers under the table, looked her in the eye, asking if it was okay, she responded with a short nod. I started rubbing calming circles on her hand with my thumb. This seemed to calm her down "Reyes, can you get me up to speed to what you guys are discussing now?"

We had to read a book of our own choice and write a paper on it; we would do it in steps. The assignment needed to be done in duos. Of course, I was with Clarke. For next class we only needed to read the first chapter and write notes about it. Nothing much, that would take about twenty minutes, Clarke and I decided to do it right after school in the library, seeing as we had our next class tomorrow.

Thursday, 15:30, 3.30 PM

I was waiting for Clarke at the Library, to do this project. As I was waiting, I thought about our date tomorrow and where I was going to take her. Well actually I need Clarke to drive us seeing as I don't have a car... or a license. I was planning on getting one later this year, so I would have a license. I still can't afford a car, but at least I could drive.

I was taking Clarke to the arcade tomorrow night. I was also going to ask her there if she wanted to be exclusive. I wasn't ready for the girlfriend term, but ready to take the next step, so I figured that would be the perfect next step.

Suddenly I saw Clarke running to up to me "Lex, I am sorry, but I need to go to Raven. She needs me." I didn't have the change to say something. She was already gone... Okayy that was weird. I will ask her later.

I did the assignment myself because our next class would be tomorrow. It took longer than expected but after half an hour I was done. I texted Clarke;

4 PM: 'Hey Clarke, I did the assignment, hope everything is alright.'

By the time I was home and had eaten dinner with Aiden, I still had no response... so, I texted her again, I was really worried something had happened to her.

7.30 PM: 'Clarke??'

'Are you okay?'

I planned to do some homework to take my mind off it. But of course I could not concentrate, my mind kept going to a certain blond and what was going on...

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