The one with the teasing

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-Lexa's POV-

Tuesday, 23:00, 11 PM

"Clarke... it is already 11 PM, it is dark out. I guess you have to stay the night, I am not letting you go out alone, your car is still at the school." I said kind of shocked, I didn't know it was this late. We just had so much fun playing games with each other "And Aiden I am brining you upstairs so you can get ready for bed, tomorrow is your first day back at school." He protested because he didn't want to go. He said it was to much fun here, but I had already swiped him off his feet and in my arms.

Once I came back downstairs, I saw that Clarke just hung up her phone. "So... are you gonna sleep here or did you call someone to rescue you?" She chuckled at this, shit that sound still did things to me, honestly, I think it will never stop doing things to me. She was the definition of perfect. "No, I am gonna stay the night, just needed to let my mom know.... and maybe Rea and O" Those three really did tell each other everything. "Okayy" I nodded. "I'm gonna brush my teeth, you joining me?"

Once in the bathroom I gave Clarke a spare toothbrush, we were brushing our teeth while looking at each other through the mirror. Her eyes were so pretty, her cheeks a bit rosy, hair tied in a ponytail, collarbones all out for me to see. Damn she is sexy.

"You know Lex you're really hot" She said right before she rinsed her mouth. This brought a red color and a smile to my face. She turned around and so did I. Standing in front of each other looking in each other's eyes, tension building. My toothbrush still in my mouth. She took one step forward, I stood still. She pulled the toothbrush out of my mouth, giving me a glass of water with her other hand.

Once I rinsed my mouth, she laid her hands on my waste to pull me closer, my hands found the middle of her back. She was leaning in, so I did the same to meet her halfway, closing my eyes. She stopped right before our lips touched. I could just hear her smile. She moved forward just a bit, enough to make our lips brush each other.

It was driving me crazy, absolutely crazy, in a good way. The heat in my body rising by every passing second. She pulled away, I can't believe she actually did it, she pulled away. When I opened my eyes, I saw her staring at me with a smirk. "I am pretty tired, I'm gonna go to bed" she said before leaving the bathroom.

I stood there for a few minutes still shocked, I needed to calm myself down, my whole body was acting up. That was so hot. I splashed some water over my face and took a few deep breaths before following Clarke in my bedroom. She already had a sleeping shirt of mine on, she looked so good in it, there was just something about seeing Clarke in my clothes that was so good.

"You wear it better than me" I grabbed my sleeping clothes and started to change in the room, Clarke immediately turned to the wall. "You don't have to look away Clarke, that way I can tease you the way you teased me a few minutes ago." At this she chuckled. "No way, not gonna let that happen."

Once I was changed, I tapped her on her shoulder to let her know I was done. "So, I can sleep on the floor, and you can take the bed" I didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable, so I was fine with sleeping on the floor. "Don't be so ridiculous Lex, you have a double bed, we can sleep in it together."

She grabbed my hand and janked me down on my bed with her. I landed on top of her, placed my hands next to her head, so she didn't have anywhere to go. I decided to tease her back, I leaned down, causing our lips to slightly brush, breathing in her mouth, and then... I pulled away. Just like she did. "I am really tired; I think we should sleep."

She pouted, but grabbed my neck, pulling me down to crash our lips together. Sending shivers throughout my entire body. Our lips didn't move, they were just pressed together, hard. I could feel my body heat rising. Even though our lips weren't moving. It was hot as hell. I pulled away. "As much as I want to continue this Clarke, I think we shouldn't."

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