Chapter One: When I close my eyes, all I see is pain

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You lay in bed, staring up at the ceiling of your bedroom within the compound as you did most nights. It had been years since you had been rescued from HYDRA. Years since you had been forced to wake up again, and again, only to experience the pain of HYDRA's experiments. You had been given so much time to recover, to pull yourself back from the fear and grief that you had felt every day of that miserable experience. Despite all that time, it seemed as though every time you closed your eyes, allowed your mind to wander, it would bring you back to that time of your life. Nightmares of needles, scientists, being strapped to a table in a lab with no way of escape. Your mind wouldn't let you forget, no matter how hard you tried. You had grown accustomed to not sleeping. You could stay awake for days at a time if the people around you would let you. The only times that you did sleep, were when you fell asleep in a room with others who you trusted. Their presence made you feel safe, allowed you to let your guard down. 

Today, however, everyone that you cared about was away. On a mission that Tony hadn't let you go on despite all of your requests. He had said it was too dangerous, but you knew the real reason. Despite how much the team loved you, they didn't trust you. Your powers were dangerous, too dangerous. You could control your powers well, but if something triggered your painful memories and you were sent into a panic attack, it could be hard to control them. You could control the elements. When your powers got out of control it could mean anything from uncontrollable winds, to small fires, to all the pipes in the compound bursting. It was truly dangerous. You were also one of the youngest of the avengers, only 18 years old. Though you were an adult, the team still babied you. Most of the time you didn't mind, but on missions such as these where the entire team was gone, you couldn't help but wish they would let you go with them. The compound was so quiet with them gone. 

You sat up on your bed, pausing a moment before standing up and making your way towards the kitchen. It was early, six am at the latest, and you hadn't slept at all. Not only had you been worried about nightmares, but if your sister had still been alive it would have been her birthday today. She had been killed alongside the rest of your family by HYDRA when they had sent a team to collect you. Despite how long ago that had been, you still missed her. A day didn't go by where you didn't wish she was still alive. You had thought, after so many years, the pain would have eased yet it hadn't.

"Miss Y/L/N, the twinjet is approaching the compound." F.R.I.D.A.Y. sounded over the speaker, startling you as you poured yourself a cup of coffee. 

You felt a wave of relief wash over you at the idea that you wouldn't be alone anymore. You resisted the urge to run outside and greet everyone and instead finished making your coffee, knowing they would be inside in moments. You took a sip before the team started to filter into the room. Nat was by your side first, a small smile playing on her lips. "Hey, Romanoff." You said with a smile. You looked her over for a moment, searching for any signs of injury. Besides a few small cuts, you found nothing and you let out a breath of relief. 

"Hey, kid," Nat replied with a smile, pulling you into a hug for one moment before releasing you as Tony came up beside Nat.

"Enjoy your time alone?" He asked you.

You forced a smile, giving him a nod. "Always do." You replied quickly. It was a lie of course, but it didn't matter. It was better to make them believe that you were okay. You felt like less of a burden that way. Tony started to say something but behind him, your eyes locked on an unfamiliar figure. A slim woman with chestnut brown hair. You had never seen her before. As though she could feel you looking at her, she looked up, her gaze locking with yours for a moment. Her eyes were glowing with the slightest hint of red. Quickly you pulled your gaze away, back to Nat and Tony in front of you. "Who is that?" You asked, gesturing to the woman who was still watching you. As soon as Tony followed your gaze the brunette looked away. 

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