Chapter Ten: You're Not A Good Guy

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You two spend the rest of the morning together, Wanda making sure that you don't run into any of the members of the team. You didn't know it, but she was using her powers. Reading into not your thoughts, but your feelings. She would take note of the things that lifted your spirits, finding patterns in the things that pushed you towards grief or anger. She wanted to know these things. Wanted to be able to keep you happy as much as she could. She didn't enjoy seeing you sad, and though you didn't know the extent to which that was true, you were able to notice the subtle pull at the woman's lips anytime your mood dipped. Anytime your mind would return to what Nat had said and your mood would begin to dip, Wanda would do something small to pull your attention back. Sometimes it was changing the conversation, other times it was changing what you were doing, sometimes she would even do something as simple as catch your eye and smile at you to lighten your mood. Despite the gestures being small, you found yourself wanting to thank her again and again. You appreciated it more than Wanda could possibly realize. Or perhaps, as you reminded yourself, she knew exactly how much you appreciated it. 

You hoped, for the sake of both you and her that she had the respect to stay out of your thoughts. You already shared more with her than you did with nearly anyone else. You could almost envision a time where she knew everything. All your deepest darkest thoughts, your grief, your fear, your anger. You could imagine that just maybe... there would come a time where you would be willing to share that with her. But again, perhaps she already knew. You could understand her curiousity. The want to know what was going on in your mind, but you trusted Wanda. You trusted that she wouldn't do that. Or so you hoped. 

You and Wanda were now sat beside each other on the couch, a quiet show playing on the TV as you and her talked. You had enjoyed breakfast together as you marvelled at Wanda's impressive cooking skills and conversation moved through anything that would keep you distracted. As the woman talked, you found your mind drifting, your brain unfocused on her words and more on the way her lips would pull into a smile. The way her eyes would sparkle. The way her hand would play with the rings on her fingers. 

You were just about to ask her to repeat what she had said when Clint burst into the room, followed shortly by Nat, Tony, and Steve. All of them were already in their suits, headed towards the exit to the compound. Instantly you were on your feet, along with Wanda. "What's going on? What's wrong?" You grab Tony's arm before he can get through the door. 

"There's been a terrorist attack. We need to leave now or we won't get there in time." Tony says, wrenching his arm away. 

Immeditaly your lips pull into a frown of concern. "And you weren't going to tell either of us? I want to help." You object, following him through the doors, feeling Wanda's presence close behind you. 

"You're on house arrest remember?" Tony snaps, finally pausing fully in his attempt to get through the doors. His eyes flick between you and Wanda for a moment before he gestures harshly towards her. "And your witch friend here. She can come. We just didn't think she'd want to since she's been busy babysitting you all day." He continues. "In fact witchy, we could use your help." He adds.

You go still for a moment, almost physically stepping back at the words. Wanda hadn't been babysitting you, nor had you thought that the government condemming you to stay in the compound would affect you when the world needed you. "Tony..." You start. "Look, I realize I messed up okay but if there's a serious problem I need to help! I have these powers for a reason. I'm a member of this team for a reason!" You retort. It was true. You were here for a damn reason. A reason beyond the fact that this team was all the family you had left. You had your powers and you should be able to use them. 

"Y/N, you're not a member of this team right now." Tony snaps, almost without even thinking about it. "We'll do just fine without you." He adds, before his gaze moves to Wanda. "You coming? We have to go, right now. So you better make up your damn mind."

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