Chapter Nine: You Noticed?

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The next time you opened your eyes, the room around you was silent, and it took your brain a moment to remember where you were. The moment you did, however, you froze. Your head was resting on Wanda's shoulder. You don't know what to do, and for a long moment, you remain completely frozen. Wanda's breathing is steady and you can tell she's fallen asleep as well. You don't want to wake her, and you certainly don't want her to wake while your head was resting on her shoulder. As carefully as possible, you moved your head off her shoulder, holding your breath. 

Wanda shifted slightly, her breath remaining slow and even. 

You remained completely still, watching for a moment until she stilled again. Once you were sure she was still asleep, you moved quietly off the bed. You surveyed Wanda for a moment, glancing around the room. Wanda had turned the TV off at some point, and the only light was coming from a dim lamp on the bedside table. 

You were shocked that you had managed to fall asleep here. You haven't slept fully in days, lucky to even catch a few hours of rest. You hadn't expected to fall asleep at all, certainly not next to Wanda. Noticing that there was no blanket covering Wanda you carefully lay one on top of her before slipping out of the room and returning to your own, glancing at the clock. 

It was six in the morning, only half an hour before you would have needed to wake up for training. You let out a breath, feeling an odd mix of refreshed and nervous. 

Had Wanda been alright with you falling asleep there? Did she think less of you now? You weren't sure why your mind thought she would, but the anxiety didn't cease. In the few years, you had spent with HYDRA, sleep had been a weakness. You were most vulnerable in your sleep, and your emotions were the rawest. You would wake up from nightmares sobbing, only to have a member of HYDRA insult you for showing such weakness. You didn't trust many people enough to fall asleep around them, and you hadn't thought Wanda was one of those people, but apparently, she was. You let that thought settle as you began to get ready for the day, getting a quick shower and changing into fresh clothes. You trusted Wanda. Even more than you were ready to admit. 

You sat on the edge of the bed, slowly brushing the knots out of your soaking wet hair, watching as the minutes ticked past on the clock. You were unsure whether the team wanted you to even leave your own room at this point, and you debated which would be worse, not showing up for training with Wanda and remaining in your room, or showing up for training and risk seeing the team. You decided you would likely be in more trouble for not showing up for training and so you headed to the training room, knowing that Wanda would be there on time, despite you not hearing her leave her room. 

Wanda was somehow always on time, no matter how late she went to bed, no matter whether she set an alarm or not. Until now you had thought it was due to the simple reason that she didn't sleep, but you had seen her asleep today. 

Even so, the moment the clock hit seven, Wanda slipped into the training room, her brown hair pulled into a messy ponytail. She raised her eyebrows at you the moment she saw you. 

"I wondered where you went." She mumbles, her accent thick, as it always was in the morning. 

You blink at her for a moment before shrugging. "I didn't want to wake you." You reply. 

She nods, mimicking your shrug. "I wouldn't have minded." She says, her voice quiet. "I haven't slept that well since Pietro died." Her voice was even quieter on the last word and you had to listen hard to hear her. 

Once your brain registered what she had said, your lips pull into a sympathetic frown, understanding better than most. Once Tony had rescued you from HYDRA, you hadn't slept for weeks. "I understand that. I haven't slept a full night in a while either."

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