Chapter Three: A little bit of fight

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As you walked away from Tony's lab, you began to fully wrap your mind around what you had been signed up for. Perhaps you would have been able to live within the same compound as Wanda, but training her? That was exactly the kind of one on one time that you didn't want to spend with her. You didn't want to get to know her. You didn't want to know how her power worked, or to see the way her mind worked. You didn't want to let yourself know any of these things, because you didn't want your anger to waver. Not even for a second. Your anger was well deserved, well justified and if you didn't focus on the anger, your mind would focus on the hurt, and you refused to let that happen. 

You made your way to the living room, ignoring the stares of both Clint and Nat who were sitting around playing a game of cards. You settled on the couch, keeping your eyes fixed ahead of you as you reached for the remote, hoping the two would go back to their game. You had no such luck however when Clint swooped over and grabbed the remote before you could stop him. "Hey!" You protest. You try to grab it from him but he moves out of your way and tosses it to Nat. You debate trying to grab it from her but you know, unless you use your powers, you'll lose. "What do you two want?" You ask, attempting to force anger into your voice and failing. 

Clint smiles slightly at that, sinking into a chair across from you while Nat comes to sit beside you. "Tony talked to you, yeah? What'd he say about you and Wanda?" Clint asks, looking at you with a mix of mild amusement and curiosity. 

"He just wants us to get along, that's all." You respond, having no desire to discuss this. 

"That's definitely not all," Nat says, looking towards Clint as she speaks, acting as though you've disappeared entirely. 

You let out a sigh, realizing that you'll need to tell them if you want even a moment's peace. "I gotta train with her, alright? I'm the only one that matches her in terms of powers, and I'm the second-best at hand-to-hand combat." You explain. 

"Ah yeah, you're right. The second best." Clint says with a smirk. "Cause, clearly, I'm the best fighter here."

Nat smacks him lightly, a smirk on her face. "You wish Barton." She retorts. 

You smile. "Besides, I don't think Tony would care if I was the worst fighter here. He thinks I need to be able to trust her." You finish. 

Clint's joking expression fades slightly and he nods. "You're the only one of us who hasn't fought with her in battle before, it makes sense."

Nat seems to debate it for a few more seconds before nodding. "It's a good idea." She agrees. "It'll give you a chance to get to know her. Besides... maybe you can get some of your anger out before she starts getting good. You do always like winning a fight." She says the last sentence teasingly and you roll your eyes. 

"You're not making this idea any more appealing." You groan. 

"Oh come on Y/N, you know you love us." Clint teases lightly. 

You're grinning now. "Maybe a little." You admit. "Now give me the damn remote back before I take it from you by force."


You awoke early the next morning, having not slept much. You lay in bed for a moment, staring up at the ceiling as you debated trying to go back to sleep to avoid what lay ahead. Despite how nice that sounded, you knew the chance of the team letting you get away with that was slim to none so instead, you sat up, stretching. 

You changed into a comfortable set of clothes for training. A black tank top and leggings, brushing your hair up into a pony tail. You yawned as you opened your door, making your way from your room to the training room. You weren't sure whether Wanda would be there already. You had made a point of making sure everyone knew that if you had to do this, you wouldn't be the one organizing it. Steve had said he would talk to her and had in turn made sure that you had the earliest possible time slot to have the training room to yourself. You supposed it was payback for how awful you were being, but you didn't mind. You were nearly always up this early anyway. 

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