Chapter Twelve: Because... You're important

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Wanda had been resting for a few days now, remaining in the med bay only because you refused to let her leave. Tony had said a week at least was needed before she could put strain on her wound again, and you intended to ensure that she waited that long. Her safety was the number one priority in your mind right now, so much so in fact, that you had refused to leave her side for more than a few seconds for the days that she had been confined to this room. The only reason you left at all was due to the constant nagging of the team. They made sure you kept yourself clean and had enough to eat and drink. Without them, you weren't sure you would have taken care of yourself at all. Wanda tried to encourage you as well of course, but the woman was still weak, and she could never hold up in an argument of whether you should stay or go back to your room to rest. 

You still got rest of course. You and Wanda had become more accustomed to sharing the bed, and both of you liked it more than either of you wanted to admit. It was nice having another person so close to you. Having the comfort of her skin against your own. You were dreading the moment that you would have to go back to sleeping alone. You were beginning to depend on this a little too much. The way Wanda's breathing turned deep and peaceful when she fell asleep, the way her body would shift closer to you in the night. You liked it. 

You lay awake now. It was late. Far too late for you to still be awake. Your mind was racing. You had been feeling off since the fight. At first, you had thought it was just worry and the normal fatigue that came after a battle was fought, but now... It felt like something more. You had been growing more irritable, and, though you could control it around Wanda, Tony and Nat did not get the same amount of restraint. You had snapped at them nearly a dozen times, a kind of anger filling you that you didn't quite understand. 

When Tony had explained that the blood tests had come back clean, you had found yourself not believing him. It seemed... wrong somehow. Each time your mind went to this however, you were reminded of Nat's words. 'They've messed with your head before, Y/N.' 

She was right of course, but as time went on, you couldn't help but wonder if things would go better for you if you trust your gut. 

Your hand went unconsciously to the back of your neck where the tiny bump of the wound remained, pressing your fingers lightly against it. For just being a tiny mark, it still hurt when you touched it, furthering your anxieties that it was more than it appeared. Surely a normal needle puncture should have healed by now, right? 

Wanda began to shift in the bed, her sleeping face twisting slightly with some unknown emotion. You wondered if she could hear your thoughts now. Not purposefully of course, but subconsciously. With a quiet sigh, you moved from the bed, slipping towards the door. You didn't intend to go far, maybe just sit in front of the door to the room. You just wanted to make sure you didn't wake Wanda. She needed the sleep more than you did. 

You closed the door behind you quietly before slumping down on the ground, pulling your knees against your chest. You wanted to talk to Tony about this, about how anxious you were, but each time you brought it up you already found yourself guessing what he would say. You knew he would tell you that you were being ridiculous. That they had run the blood tests and had found nothing. That HYDRA was just trying to scare you. 

At that thought, a rage bubbled up in you, far too similar to the one you had been experiencing with Nat and Tony recently. You shivered, balling your hand into a fist. You stared at it for a minute, your breathing coming more heavily before you jumped into your feet. Something was wrong. Tony needed to run the tests again. 

You glanced back at Wanda's room for a moment, realizing that you really didn't want to leave her there alone. You debated it for a few moments, glancing between Wanda's room, and the hallway ahead of you. Finally, you made up your mind, slipping away from Wanda's room, into the hallway. You knew something was wrong with you. You could sense it. You needed to get it figured out before it was too late. 

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