Chapter Seven: And I'd Do It Again

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A week had passed since your conversation with Wanda, and the woman's arm had healed well. The burn had been less severe than you had originally thought. Despite that, you were still extremely careful during training, making sure that you didn't harm her. You had made a promise to yourself that you wouldn't let your anger get the best of you again and you intended to keep it. You could tell Wanda was wary around you. She took extra care in training, less risks than she had taken during the first week she had been here. You felt guilty about it, but at the very least, it was true, she had forgiven you. 

You had begun to grow closer, talking and joking around through training. You didn't often spend time with each other outside of training though. It was as though you and Wanda had a silent agreement to only interact with each other when the team wasn't around to watch. Perhaps it stemmed from the fact that both of you were ashamed in some way. You had started off as enemies and yet... here you were, only two weeks later, becoming friends.

Now you sat, perched on a stool in the kitchen, earbuds plugged in. You had listened to a lot of music that week. It seemed as though whenever you had headphones in, the team would leave you alone. They didn't ask questions or try to start conversation, and it was perfect for when you were handling your problems on your own. 

A tap on your shoulder instantly snapped you back to attention, your gaze flicking around until it landed on Wanda. You pulled out your earbud, titling your head in mild confusion. "Hey..."

Wanda didn't even hesitate a moment before barreling into her next sentence. "I'm going to the store and I thought you might like to come." She pauses for a split second but starts talking again before you can give her an answer. "I've noticed you haven't left the compound in a few days. You need the fresh air."

You hesitate for a minute, a smirk starting to form on your lips. "You really want to spend time with me, huh Wanda?" You tease lightly. Jumping up off the stool and stretching. 

"Or I could go by myself..." Wanda warns, though a smile is forming on her face as well. 

"No, no." You say quickly, realizing that you really did want to go with her. She was right, it had been a while since you left the compound, and you found yourself hoping that this time you got to spend with her today might allow you to learn more about her. "I'll drive." You add, brushing past her and grabbing your wallet and car keys. 

"You sure that's the best idea? I've heard you're not a great driver." She teases, her eyes flickering red as the keys are suddenly pulled from your grip, hovering just out of your reach. 

You stare at them for a moment, debating trying to snatch them out of the air before your eyes return to Wanda. She raises her eyebrows at you, her eyes sparkling with an amusement that only seemed to come out when she was with you. "And who'd you hear that from? Tony? Cause he's also said he's beaten me in a sparring match so." You shrug your shoulders. 

Wanda chuckled at that. "I heard it from Nat, actually, but good try." She replies, the keys still hovering just out of reach. 

Lightning fast you jump, catching the keys in your hand and holding them tightly as you offer Wanda an innocent smile. "Nat doesn't know what she's talking about."

Wanda tilts her head at you. "You know I could take those right back from you, yes?" She questions. 

"I do, but I don't think you'd dare." You answer, holding the keys tighter for a moment before surprising yourself as you open unclench your fist and hold out the keys on the palm of your hand. "If you'd like to drive Wanda, you can." You offer, your tone turning more serious now, gentle. 

Wanda considers for a moment before gently taking the keys from your hand. She doesn't say another word as she leads you to the car, but you sense she wanted to drive for a reason other than doubting your ability too. 

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