Chapter Six: Forgive, but don't forget

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You remained standing still within the training room, staring at the door where Wanda had left. You didn't know what to do with yourself. With the guilt that you were feeling. You didn't want to feel this, and yet, you weren't sure what you could do to get it to go away. Your brain ran through a list of reasons you shouldn't be feeling this guilty. The fact that Wanda was the enemy, the way she had gotten you in trouble with the team, the way she had threatened you on her second day here, but you didn't care. 

Finally, you were able to get your limbs to move again. You needed to make sure she was okay. Was getting the care that she needed to fix the burn. After that, you would leave her alone.

You walked quickly towards the med bay, your pulse quickening. You held your hands out in front of you as you walked, examining them as though your powers would pop up out of nowhere to harm someone again. This hadn't happened in years. How could you have let this happen? 

You reached the door to the med bay, pausing only a second before pushing through the door. You expected the room to be empty except for Wanda, but once you got there, Nat was there as well, helping Wanda treat the burn on her arm. Both of them look up as you stand frozen in the doorway, torn between emotions. 

Wanda's expression immediately turned hostile, while Nat's eyebrows knit together in a mix of anger and concern. 

"I just... I was coming to check to make sure Wanda could handle the burn. I'll go." You stumble over your words as you speak. You don't wait for either of the women to speak as you turn on your heel and leave the room again. 

"Y/N!" You hear Nat call after you, but you don't stop. You keep going. Picking up your pace as you moved through the halls until you were at a run. You didn't have a clear destination in mind but once you pushed through the doors into the open air of the exterior of the compound you can breathe again. You take deep breaths, appreciating the cool air as it helps clear your thoughts. 

You eventually turn your gaze to the sky, continuing to breathe deeply as you pushed the worry and guilt to the back of your mind. This would be fine. You had hit the enemy. Perhaps it had been the wrong time but... Even as you did your best to convince yourself of those thoughts, you realized you couldn't. If Wanda truly was the enemy... wouldn't she have struck back? It would have been fair. She could have easily taken the opportunity. Fought back and played it off as defense, but she hadn't. She hadn't laid a finger on you. 

"Shit." You mumbled under your breath, fully realizing how much you had messed up. Not only were you worried she wouldn't accept your apology, but you were also scared because you now realized how much you already cared about the woman's feelings. 

"Haven't heard you swear in a while." You heard a voice behind you and glanced back to see Tony behind you. 

You let out a breath, shrugging as you keep your gaze on the horizon. 

Tony moves closer until he's standing beside you and you can feel his gaze on you. "What's on your mind, kid?" He asks.

Your eyes widened slightly, though you still didn't look at him. You had thought he had come out here because Nat had told him what had happened with Wanda, but maybe he really wasn't aware. You took a deep breath, finding the confidence that you needed to explain it to him. "I messed up." You murmur, finally looking at him. "And I'm not sure if I'll be able to fix it." 

Tony's eyebrows knit together and he looks away again, taking his time before replying to you. "Why'd you hit her?" 

You simply stare at him for a moment, surprised. The way he had started the conversation, you hadn't thought he'd known. You take your time turning over the question in your mind, trying to come up with an answer. Even after giving yourself a proper amount of time, however, you couldn't. "I don't know." You whisper.  "I didn't mean to. I really didn't mean to. It's like I just couldn't control it. All I was thinking about was my anger and then I just... hit her." 

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