Chapter 5

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I scardly patted all of my pockets to see if I had my phone. "Do you have your phone?" I asked him, worried. He shook his head "Dont worry." He said, trying to calm me down. "But im claustrophobic!" I cryed. He sat down leaning against the wall. "Just relax and wait." He told me. I stopped pacing and sat down next to him. "What do you do when your trapped in an elevator?" he asked. "Panic!" I yelled. "No. First we stay calm." he laughed. "No! The emergancy button!" I excitedly pointed to the buttons. "Yes!" he excitedly yelled going over to the button and pushing it. Red lights started flashing and a alarm noise went off. We both jumped, startled. I went next to him and he pulled me into a hug, covering my ears. All of a sudden I heard a faint banging noise.  "Do you hear that?" I asked him. "Yeah! It sounds like help is on the way." He re-asured me. Then the alarm went off and the lights flickered into darkness. "Skylar? Whats happening?" I cried. He tightly hugged me and said "i dont know." he said, scarredly said. Then, for a split second, it felt like we were falling. I tightly hugged him back as the elevator slammed against the floor. Skylar and I flew apart to opposite sides of the elevator and into darkness. "Skylar?" I cried out. "Amber? Where are you?" He scaredly yelled back. "Let my come to you." I said. When I tried to get up a stabbing pain was sent throughout my leg. I let out a scream. "Amber? Are you ok?" He scardley asked. "No!" I yelled, in tears. "Im by the door, I think." I said. I heard him frantically moving around. Then his hands found my body. He wrapped them around me and said "Whats wrong." "I think my leg is under the glass door. And Im scarred." I cried into his shirt. My voice sounded all muffled from being in his shirt. "Stay still." he said, feeling around for the door. He touched my leg and I flinched. "Sorry to make you feel worse, but you bleeding." He said woriedly. I hugged him back as I continued to cry. Then I felt a tear of his land on my shoulder. "Are you crying?" I asked him. He sniffled and said "Yes." I laughed. "What?" he asked. "Most guys dont want girls to know they are crying." He shook his head and said "Not me." Then I heard the noise of a siren getting closer. I got hopefull. I hugged him tighter and said "Helps here." I could hear people and news reporters above. "Were going to be ok." He smiled. Then light rained down on us. I could hear a firefighter yell to the others "I found them." Then a ladder came down for us. “Climb up the ladder.” A fire fighter yelled down. “What do I do?” I cried as Skylar stood up. I would look down at my leg but the smell of blood was already to much. “Ill move the glass.” Skylar said. He walked over to the door and started picking up the shattered glass. One piece by one piece he moved the glass of my legs. Finally, when I was untrapped Skylar helped me up. “Skylar! Your hands!” I said to him. He looked down to see blood and little pieces of glass all over them. “Ill get through the pain if it means saving your life.” He told me, picking me up and carrying me to the ladder. He held me with one arm while my body was over his shoulder. The other hand was used to climb. He flinched everytime his hands touched something. I quickly pulled of my shirt so I was only wearing a tank top. I ripped it in half and grabbed the hand he was using to hold me. I wrapped it with half the shirt then held onto the ladder for him as I wrapped the other hand. “Thanks.” He told me, turning and kissing my cheek. 

~Skylar’s POV~

I finally made it through the opening and sat Amber down in a chair. I sat down in another chair and we were bombarded with questions. I blocked them all out and watched the doctors work on Amber’s leg. People surrounded her and she was blocked from my sight. I tried to push through to her but then was pushed back out. One guy pushed me and I kneed him right in that spot. He squealed and the police grabbed my arms and handcuffed them. As they were handcuffed another doctor fixed my hands and removed the glass. Then they wrapped them and brought me outside. “Can and I just see Amber?” I asked the police. They shook their heads and I started to scramble around trying to escape. They grabbed me again and I accidentally elbowed on in the face. “Oh my god! Im so sorry.” I said. The police shook their heads and pushed me in the back of the car, then slammed the door and locked it.” I saw Amber come out sitting on a stretcher. They wheeled her near the car and left her there while they talked. I banged on the window and she turned to see if anyone was watching. They weren’t so she jumped of the stretcher and opened the door. I ran out and she unlocked the handcuffs with her bobby pin. The police turned around to see us and I quickly hugged her. The police tried to pull us away but I kept hugging her so they couldn’t.

~Amber’s POV~

The nurse grabbed me and pushed me onto the stretcher. Then the police re-hand cuffed Skylar and pushed him into the back of their car. “Im glad you ok.” He mouthed to me. As soon as I tried to answer the nurse rolled me away. It ends up Skylar would have to go to a waiting cell then go to court to defend his case. Stupid. And I would stay in the hospital for a few days. Great.


Thank you for so many reads in this week! Im so happy! I have a lot more chapters ready and they should be either some done tonight or tomorrow. Possibly Monday but that is the latest. Its cool how so many people have started writing Skylar Astin fan fics after mine got like 100 reads. If its not from my story, oh. But if it is, Im glad im insparation! So, ya. Some new characters coming soon are Lily Daniel, Samantha Espina, Adam DeVine, and Ben Platt. Thanks for reading and please continue reading and vote or like! 

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