Chapter 6

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~Skylar's POV~

I was so upset! I would never cause a fight! Well, ok. I kneed a guy. But you would too if your girlfriend was in pain and you wanted to see her. Oh right. Shes not my girlfreind. I sighed and sat down on a bench in the holding cell. This sucked. Next I get to go to court. If I'm guilty then who knows what will happen to me. The police let me stop by the room so I could at least get my phone. Though Amber didnt have her. I decided to make a Skype conversation with Adam DeVine and Ben Platt. 

Skylar Astin: Long time, no see.

Ben Platt: Hey old bud

Adam Devine: Hey brothers from another mother!

Skylar Astin: Which states are you all in?

Adam DeVine: Sunny California

Ben Platt: On vacation in Cuba.

Skylar Astin: New York

Adam DeVine: What ya doing?

Ben Platt: Updating Twitter. You?

Adam Devine: Watching TV

Skylar Astin: In a holding cell waiting to be let out for court.

Ben Platt: Your kidding right?

Skylar Astin: Nope

Adam DeVine: What did you do this time you player?

Skylar Astin: Amber and I fell to the floor in an elevator.

Benn Platt: and you got arrested?

Adam DeVine: What happened with Kaitlyn? Whos Amber?

Skylar Astin: No. I accidentally hit a police. I broke up with her. An old friend from Pitch Perfect.

Adam DeVine: Ahh… good times.

Ben Platt: Who did she play?

Skylar Astin: Sorry fellas! Court time…

Ben Platt: Good luck.

Adam DeVine: Don’t screw it.

The cell door unlocked and I was put back in handcuffs. “Are these really necessary?” I asked. “You could attack at any time.” I sighed. “It was an accident! “Whatever.” He mumbled, shoving me into the back seat of the police car. My phone beeped from my pocket and I looked down at it. A message from Amber! All I could see was “Got to go home early cause” We drove for a few minutes then the police pushed me into a room and took off the handcuffs. I was going to have to be my own lawyer.

~Amber’s POV~

Skylar got rid of his room and we are both sharing one now. When I got into the room he wasn’t there. I looked around for a while and couldn’t find him. I finally found a note on my pillow that read Going to jail then to court for assault on a police. Hopefully I wont be guilty. Jail for an accident? I quickly drove to the New York Court so I could see the end of his case. As I walked in the judge said “Skylar Lipstein had been choosen guilty for police assault.” “Guilty?” I blurted out, louder than I expected. Everyone looked at me. “I haven’t closed the case yet. Do you have something to say?” Asked the judge. I nodded and walked up to the desk. “I am a witness of Skylar Lip-st-uh… Astin’s assault on a police.” I announced. Everyone nodded. I looked out at the audience and notice Ben Platt and Adam DeVine. I smiled and continued. “If your best friend was getting extreme medical attention in a hotel lobby would you try to see them?” People nodded. “Well, Skylar was trying to see me in that situation and people kept blocking him. One guy pushed him out and Skylar kneeded them. The police then dragged Skylar out and Skylar tried to escape to make sure I was ok. He accidentally elbowed the police.” I said. The judge called the police up to the other desk and said “Is this true?” The police man embaressly nodded. “And Skylar apologized.” I added. The police said  “Not with much enthusiasm.” The judge rasied the hammer thing and said “Skylar Lipstein is proven non guilty.” Then he hit down the hammer. I walked over and back to my seat. Skylar was in the row right in front of me and he turned back to me. “Thank you! I missed you.” “My dad was a lawyer.” I laughed. “Seriously, thank you!” He said. “No probl…” I started. I was stopped by Skylar laying his hands on my hips and him pulling me in to a kiss. I put my hands on the back of his neck. There was a row of chairs between us but we ignored it. Mostly everyone had left but we were interrupted by a voice saying “Right Skylar. Friends.” We both pulled away awkwardly. We all were silent for a minute then I said “Wait! Its you two! Bumper and Benji!” They both laughed. “And theres Jesse.” Ben said pointing to Skylar. “And your Beca.” Adam winked at me. I playfully rolled my eyes. I don’t get it. Anna Kendrick was Beca. Not Amber.” I laughed. “We just kissed over a row a seats with my arms around your…” I started. “I got it.” Skylar said. “Did you not want me to continue describing our kiss?” I laughed. “Are you embaressed of me?” I fake cried. He rolled his eyes. “You guys can come back and stay in our apartment for a while if you want.” Skylar said. 

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