The Youngest of House Black

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I always hated that shack next to the house. It scared me. It was old and it looked unstable. I love it, but also hated it during a full moon. Hated it because when I'm in bed, I could always hear my godfather shouting in pain as he begun his transformation. I hate hearing him in pain. I remember wanting to run downstairs and go down to the shack to comfort him, but I knew it was dangerous. But one time, I almost did it. Loved it because as a little kid, I believed that if a monster lurked towards me, I could scream for help and my godfather would be there to rescue me. I could never rely on the mother and father that I've never known.

But no one is there forever. People you love die, friends say goodbye, your love interests would promise to protect you till they die and that's exactly what they do.

Death doesn't care who it takes.

If you were me, you'd know what it's like to feel like you're so different from everyone around you. I was a Halfblood witch, who lived with a werewolf. I mean no one knew that. Well, it's not like anyone knew I existed. I didn't have friends.

This house that creaks when the wind blew, that I've grown to love, was my home. For as long as I could remember, it was just me and my godfather, Remus. We were happy.

My name is Irina Black, but Remus calls me Iris.

My life changed that one day when I was sitting on the front porch, drawing in the sketchbook that I had gotten last Christmas.

I looked up to see an owl. I smiled at it until something dropped from the owl. I dodged it, thinking it was bird poop.

But to my surprise, it was a letter. I sat my sketchbook on the steps and grabbed the letter.

I then grabbed my sketchbook and headed inside. I put my sketchbook on the table and sat in one of the chairs.

I never got a letter before. I opened the envelope, the white envelope. I pulled out the paper, the brown paper. I unfolded the letter and started reading.

Dear Miss Black,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been excepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Please find an enclosed list of all necessary books and equipment.

We very much look forward to receiving you as part of the new generation of Hogwarts heritage.

Yours sincerely,

Professor M. McGonagall

I heard of Hogwarts from Remus. I was shocked that me, of all people, would get in.

"Remus!" I shouted. I never really called him Dad before. I mean, I knew Remus Lupin wasn't my biological father.

Remus came into the room. "What's wrong, Iris?" He asked.

"Look at this", I said as I gave him the letter.

Remus reads the letter. "My dear, this is wonderful", Remus said. "You've been excepted at Hogwarts".

I wrapped my arms around him. I was just as happy as he was. Remus had always hoped that I'd attend Hogwarts one day. He went there when he was my age.

I'm excited to attend school and finally meet people. This year is going to be perfect.

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