The Summer

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Most of the summer was great. My father, Sirius Black, stayed with me and Remus. One day, we sat at the dinner table and asked each other questions.

"So, what did you do after you graduated from Hogwarts?" I asked Sirius.

"Well, me, Remus, James and Pettigrew joined Dumbledore's Order to defeat Voldemort and his Death Eater", Sirius said.

"Sirius, we do not say you-know-who's name at the dinner table. Plus, you don't want to scare Iris", Remus said.

"I'm not scared", I said.

Sirius smiled at me. "See, Remus. She can handle it", He said.

"Did you kill any Death Eaters?" I asked.

"No, I have not", Sirius said. "Ask me another question".

"Who is my second parent?" I asked.

"You mean, you don't have any thoughts. Any theories?" Remus asked.

"I have one", I admitted.

"Let's hear it", Sirius said.

"Are you sure you want to hear it? It's quite bizarre", I said.

"I can handle it", Sirius said.

"Okay then. Well...". I chuckled at the thought. "I believe that something happened between you two and one day, Remus comes to you and says, 'Sirius, I've been thinking and I think it's time we bring another child into this world' and then Dad says, 'Remus, I couldn't agree more' so you both drew some blood and with help from another wizard, perhaps Dumbledore, you used magic to conceive a baby a.k.a me. And that's how me, Irina Black, came to be".

"Wow, that...that is bizarre", Sirius said. I chuckled.

"So was I right?" I asked.

"Well, actually Snape helped us", Sirius said. I tried not to laugh, but I failed at that. I knew he was kidding.

"He's joking, Iris", Remus said.

"Okay, well, can you teach me how to turn into an Animagus?" I asked.

"Of course", Sirius said. "Now it's my turn. Have you got into some trouble with some boys at Hogwarts?"

I shook my head rapidly. "Are you sure, Iris?" Remus asked.

"Absobloodylutely", I said.

"What about Neville Longbottom?" Remus asked.

"We're just friends", I said.

"Sure you are", Sirius said with a smirk. "Have you ever tried Bertie Botts every flavour beans?"

"I have. They're the best. Except the vomit flavour. And the earwax and the grass. And the spoiled milk", I said.

And Sirius started teaching me how to turn into an Animagus the next day. I finally got it 4 weeks later.


I turned into a grey cat.

I turned into a grey cat

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