Dumbledore asked calmly

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Everyone was seated in the Great Hall. Dumbledore was going to choose the champions.

"Sit down please", Dumbledor said. I sat next to Neville. "Now, the moment you've all been waiting for. The champion selection".

The lights dimmed. The only light was from the Goblet of Fire. The flames turned red. A piece of paper spews out of the flame. Dumbledore grabbed it.

"The Durmstrang champion is Viktor Krum".

The students from Drumstrang cheered. Krum stands from his seat and shook Dumbledore's hand. Krum walked towards the front of the room. Another name came out of the goblet of fire.

"The champion for Beauxbatons is Fleur Delacour".

The students from Beauxbatons cheered. Fleur stood up and walked towards Dumbledore. He shook her hand. Then, she walked towards the front of the room. The last name came out of the Goblet.

"The Hogwarts champion is Cedric Diggory".

All the houses for Hogwarts cheered. Cedric walked towards Dumbledore and shook his hand. He walked towards the front of the room.

"Excellent! We now have our three champions. But in the end, only one will go down in history. Only one will hoist this chalice of champions, this vessel of victory, the Triwizard Cup".

At the front of the room, a huge, glowing trophy was shown.

The Professors looked at the Goblet of fire. I looked at it. The flames turned red and another name spewed out.

A fourth competitor.

Dumbledore said someone's name, but I couldn't hear until he said it more clearly.

"Harry Potter", Dumbledore said.

I looked at Harry in shock. Harry sat down as everyone started looking around the room for him.

"Harry Potter!" Dumbledore shouted. I never heard him sound so angry.

"Go on, Harry", Hermione said. Harry didn't move. "Harry, for goodness sake". Harry stands up. Hermione gently ushered him to walk. Finally, Harry walked towards Dumbledore.

Dumbledore gave him the piece of paper, but he did not shake Harry's hand.

Harry walked towards the other champions.

"He's a cheat!" Someone shouted.

"He's not even 17 yet!" Someone else shouted.

But when Fred and George tried to cheat, everyone supported the plan.

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