Why do we have the same last name?

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The next day, Me and Remus went to Diagon Alley to get my school supplies. First, we went to Olivander's, where I got my first wand. A Dragon heartstring wand.

We stopped at the bookseller, where I got so many books on spells and potions. As I walked through the bookseller, I stopped when a book caught my eye. It was a book about the first Wizarding War. I grabbed the book.

I began to walk towards the front desk. And that's when I saw...him.

There was a poster. It was a wanted poster. At the top, it said. "Have You Seen This Wizard?"

There was a man. He was screaming as he held a sign. On the sign, it said "Azkaban Prison". Below it, the sign said "€¥390".

I went to the woman at the front desk. "Excuse me, ma'am", I said kindly.

"Hello, dear. How may I help you?" The witch at the front desk asked. She was very pretty and her tone was kind.

"Can you tell me who that man is?" I asked, pointing at the poster.

The woman looked at the poster. She looked at me. "You mean, you never heard of Sirius Black?" The woman asked.

I didn't know what to say. I was speechless. Part of the reason was because I felt foolish from not knowing who he was. Another reason was because the screaming man on the poster had my last name.

Why do we have the same last name?

I shook my head at the woman. "Sirius Black is a deranged killer. Now, he's escaped Azkaban. He's a loyal servant to...you-know-who", the woman said.

I felt a shiver down my spine. I didn't say another word. I checked out the books and then I quickly walked out of the bookseller.

Was it possible that I'm related to that deranged killer?

After me and Remus grabbed my supplies, we went back to our cottage. I thought of grabbing what muggles call a computer, to search up Sirius Black, but I realized the internet wouldn't know who Sirius Black is.

And I don't have a computer.

Should I ask Lupin? I had to get used to calling Remus, Professor Lupin since he'll be a professor at Hogwarts this year.

I scrolled through my book until I got to the last chapter. I read all I could find about Sirius Black.

He murdered 13 muggles including Peter Pettigrew, leaving behind only a finger. He betrayed the Potters, Harry Potter's parents. And he was a Death Eater.

I quickly closed my book and put it on my nightstand when I heard Remus coming up the stairs. I pulled out my poisons book and pretended I had been looking at it this whole time.

I wondered if I should ask Remus about Sirius Black.

Remus sat next to me. I looked up from my book. "I am so proud of you, Iris", He said. I smiled at him.

"I can't wait to go to Hogwarts. What's it like there?" I asked.

"It's marvelous. You'll love it there", Remus said. "You should get some sleep, sweetheart".

I got under the covers and closed my book. I set it on my nightstand. Remus walked towards the door and looked back at me.

"Good night, Remus", I said.

"Good night, Iris", Remus says. He turned off my light and walked downstairs. I rolled onto my side, facing the window.

The moon was not full tonight. Remus didn't come to my room on the night of a full moon.

I wanted to think of Hogwarts. The classes I'd take, the friends I'd make. But all I could think of was Sirius Black.

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