The Execution

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The four of us walked down the hill to get to Hagrid's hut. We saw Buckbeak laying in a small pumpkin patch. He was a beautiful hippogriff.

Hagrid invited us inside and made us tea.

"I'm sorry this is happening, Hagrid. Is there anything we can do? Anything at all?" I asked.

"I'm afraid not", Hagrid said.

I looked out the window at Buckbeak. "He's very beautiful", I said. Hagrid walked towards the window.

"Oh, look at him. Loves the smell of the trees and the wind blow through him", Hagrid said.

"Why don't you set him free?" I asked.

"They'd know it was me. Dumbledore'll get into trouble. Coming down, you know Dumbledore. Says he wants to be with me when they...when it happens", Hagrid said. "Great man, Dumbledore".

"We'll say with you too, Hagrid", Hermione said.

"You do no such thing. Think I want you seeing something like that? No, you just drink your tea and be off", Hagrid said. "Oh, before you do, Ron".

Hagrid grabbed something out of a tin bin. It was Scabbers. "Scabbers", Ron said. "You're alive". Hagrid gave Scabbers to Ron.

"Keep a closer eye on your pets, Ron", Hagrid said.

"I think that means you owe someone an apology", Hermione said.

I hope he apologizes. I can not stand hearing them both argue about what happened to Ron's rat.

"Right. Next time I see Crookshanks, I'll let him know", Ron said.

"I meant me", Hermione said.

A vase on Hagrid's table shattered. "Bilmey. What was that?" Hagrid asked.

Hermione picked up a stone. "Ow!" Harry shouted. A stone had hit him on the head. Harry looked out the window. "Hagrid".

Hagrid walked towards the window. I heard chattering outside. Someone was coming.

"It's late. It's nearly dark. You shouldn't be here. Someone sees you outside the castle at this time of night, you'll be in trouble. Big trouble. Particularly, you, Harry", Hagrid said.

There was a knock at the door. "With you in a moment", Hagrid said. "Quick, quick".

Me, Harry, Ron and Hermione walked towards the back door. "Hagrid, it will be fine. It's gonna be okay", Harry assured Hagrid.

The four of us went out the back door as soon as Hagrid's guests came inside. We ran into the pumpkin patch and hid behind a pile of pumpkins.

I couldn't hear much over the crows, but I did hear, "-that the hippogriff, known as, Buckbeak...shall be executed to this day". Which was the part that I did not want to listen to.

Hermione turned around with a gasp. "What?" Ron asked.

"I thought I just saw...nevermind", Hermione said.

"Let's go", Ron said.

We all ran up the hill. I glanced back sadly at Buckbeak. I looked forward and continued running.

We stopped next to the rock wall, where we found Draco Malfoy earlier. We looked at the pumpkin patch. The man with the axe came out of Hagrid's hut.

The executioner walked towards Buckbeak. I wrapped my arms around Harry. The executioner raised his axe above his head. Even from here, I could hear the axe land and crows squawk as they flew away.

The sound was too much to bare. Me and Hermione started crying. Buckbeak, the beautiful, innocent hippogriff was dead. Hermione cried into Ron's shoulder. I could imagine how Hagrid must be feeling right now.

I hated Draco and Lucius Malfoy. This never would've happened if it weren't for them.

Scabbers bit Ron and ran off. Ron ran after him. Me, Harry and Hermione ran after Ron.

"Wait!" Harry shouted.

We saw Ron catch Scabbers next to the Womping Willow. "Harry. Iris. You do realize what tree that is", Hermione said.

"That's not good", Harry said

"Ron, run!" I shouted.

Ron looked towards us. He looked scared. "Harry, Hermione, Iris! Run!" Ron shouted, pointing behind us.

We turned around to see a black, viscous, dog. The dog looked so familiar, but where had I seen it.

"It's the Grimm!" Ron shouted.

The dog ran past us. It was going for Ron. It grabbed Ron by the leg and pulled him towards the hole of the whomping willow. We ran towards Ron and the dog.

"Harry!" Ron screamed.

"Ron!" Harry shouted.

"Ron!" Me and Hermione shouted.

Ron continued screaming. "Ron!" I shouted.

"Help!" Ron shouted as he was dragged into the hole.

"Ron!" Harry shouted as he tried to grab Ron's hand, but he was too late. Ron was already in the hole. "Ron! Ron!"

"Ron!" Hermione shouted.

One of the branches of the Whomping Willow smacked Harry and Hermione away. I was able to crawl into the hole. I ran through the cave below the Whomping Willow.

"Ron!" I shouted.

I found myself in the Shrieking Shack. "Ron!" I shouted.

"Iris, help!" I heard Ron shouting.

I ran up the stairs. I found Ron in a room. I ran towards him. "Ron!" I shouted. I wrapped my arms around him.

I heard growls behind me. I turned around and pulled out my wand. I saw the black dog behind me.

I realized where I had seen the dog. I shook my head in disbelief. "I-It's you. Sirius Black", I said.

The black vicious dog turned into Sirius Black. Prisoner of Azkaban and my father.

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