• Chapter 1 •

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Alina does NOT exist in this, my OC takes her place because I wanted a character that I could make into her own person.

I love Alina and I don't want to rewrite how she handled situations because she made those decisions for a reason.

My character is different so she won't make some of the decisions that Alina did.

If you don't like this idea then you don't have to read my story! But thank you to everyone who already has and thank you to those of you who after reading this will continue!

Okay now onto the story!!!

When I was young, I was afraid of the dark. When I got older, I learned that darkness was a place, and it's full of monsters. I live in East Ravka, but I've never really felt like I belong. Part of that feeling stems from the fact that my father was Fjerdan, and well, the people of East Ravka aren't very fond of the people there.

Right now I'm sitting in a carriage, well that's a nice name for it, on the way to an army camp near the Fold.

"Ana, how can you do that in here?" the boy sitting next to me asks.

"Bumps help with texture" I reply with a slight smirk.

That's when the boy sitting across from me speaks up "The fold looks different on mine. I need to get a better view from your country."

I slowly look up at him through my dark lashes and flash him a sweet smile "I grew up here. Although, since you decided to say something about my lineage I'd be happy to bring you to Fjerda and see what you're really made of."

That shut the boy up real quick and for the rest of the ride he didn't say another word to me. It's not that I minded my father being from a different country, I mean, I never even knew him. I just hated when other people would make off-handed remarks.

It would have been so much worse if I were Grisha though.

At least I don't have to deal with that. I had always thought about what could possibly make the Fjerdans hate Grisha so much but my mind could never seem to comprehend hating someone for what they did not ask for.

The woman sitting outside of our carriage opened the flap that separated us "Cartographers, listen up. We're almost there. Pack up your stuff and be ready to leave. And if you lose anything, you will not be getting a replacement." she then moved her hand so that the cloth moved back to where it had been, separating us once more.

I quickly began packing up everything I had taken out, trying to make sure I didn't forget anything. Knowing me however, I would still probably leave something behind.

We all heard growling coming from outside and everyone stopped what they were doing to listen. I had never heard the Volcra before and I could have gone the rest of my life not hearing the dreadful noise they make. A chill ran through my bones and I shivered quietly at the thought of what the Volcra had done to some unlucky people who had entered the Fold.

I never want to enter that place.

The fold was an awful, dark place that my parents and many others had once tried to cross. I ended up in an orphanage so obviously their journey didn't go as planned. I had once asked Ana Kuya, the woman who mainly took care of us, why people didn't just go around the Fold.

It seemed like a completely reasonable question in my mind at the time, but one she told me that if anyone tried to go around they'd be met with the Shu Han or Fjerdan, I suddenly understood why.

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