• Chapter 23 •

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Song for the chapter: Everything Happens For A Reason - Madison Beer (play when you see the **)

TW: torture

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Screams filled my ears during all hours when I was left alone. Each passing day brought more shrieks than the one before. I couldn't help feeling like they were only torturing other Grisha that much because I was here, and they knew the noise would make its way to my cell.

My stomach churned, knowing that my own voice would soon join the choir of cries. The door to my stone prison opened, causing a breath to catch in my throat. I then began breathing rapidly while I watched Elijah enter the small room with a metal cart trailing behind him.

My eyes darted between Elijah and the cart. A piece of red silk covered whatever was on the silver surface, and I tried not to imagine what could be beneath the cloth.

"So, do you feel like striking up a conversation today, princess?" He asked with a smirk.

I glared up at him, and at that moment, I decided I was not going to be nice to get out of here. I would fight tooth and nail to escape because that's who I was.

After a couple minutes of silence, Elijah understood that there would be no conversing with me, and he sighed.

"That's okay. I'd much rather hear you scream," there was a glint in his eyes that I can only describe as insanity.

Fear rose in me, but I wouldn't let him see it because I knew that's what he wanted. Elijah ghosted his fingers over the fabric on the metal cart before pulling it off. What I saw sent a chill through my bones that cut so deep I thought I was frozen.

My heartbeat instantly became faster, and I wasn't sure how long I'd be able to keep the strong facade I had adapted.

On the cart, there were a variety of tools used for torture. There was a large knife, a hammer that had nails next to it, a fire poker, and the last object was something I had never seen before.

Two rods were connected to a metal box by a pair of chords. Elijah noticed my confused stare towards the foreign object and laughed.

"Believe me, you'll find out what that is soon enough. We're going to start with something simple first, though." He said while picking up the knife and then walked over to me.

Crouching down to my level, he put the cold, sharp metal against my cheek and dragged it down. Blood spilled onto my face, and my eyes screwed shut in pain, but I tried not to make any noise.

He wanted to hear screams of agony, and I wouldn't give him that pleasure. I heard my blood hitting the floor as he moved the knife to my right wrist. He cut open my sleeve, causing it to dangle off my arm.

I hated that both of my hands were held up by chains connected to the walls because as he sliced into my arm, more blood pooled on the stone floor beneath me. He did the same to my left arm, and I let out a small whimper of pain.

I heard Elijah chuckle, "There it is."

How could he be so heartless?

The torture continued, and he was relentless. The only tool that wasn't used was the mysterious box with the rods attached. The healer was dragged into the room once Elijah was finished.

My heart broke as I watched a child no older than twelve get forced onto his knees in front of me. The young boy with skin like chocolate looked at me, his striking blue eyes taking me by surprise. Sympathy filled them, and I gave him a small smile, hoping it would help.

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