• Chapter 7 •

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Play "What a Time" by julia michaels when you see the ** to enhance your experience ;)

I woke up to a large hand covering my mouth. My eyes shot open in panic and as they were adjusting I let out a muffled scream.

"Shhh. Ana, it's me you're okay."

I recognized that voice all too well and glared into the darkness.


He slowly removed his hand from it's position against my lips and chuckled.

"That wasn't funny," I snarled.

"It was a little funny." I rolled my eyes at his childish behavior and that's when I really noticed that I could barely see him.

It's still dark out?

"Last time I checked we weren't leaving until dawn so why did you wake me up?" I was definitely annoyed and I hoped he could tell.

"I wanted to show you something," He stood up and offered me his hand to take. I stared at it, wondering what he was up to and what he could possibly want to show me that couldn't wait until morning.

"You know if you just stare at my hand that's not going to do anything right?" His eyes narrowed in a mocking way and I rolled mine.

I gasped as he grabbed my arm and pulled me up without any warning.

"You really shouldn't roll your eyes at me Miss Starkov," his smirk gave away the fact that he wasn't too serious about what he'd said, but laced beneath his joking demeanor there was something I couldn't quite decipher.

"And why is that general?"

I could feel the heat radiating off his body because of how close we were, and my stomach twisted into a knot as leaned down to my ear.

"People who don't follow my orders are punished...and you wouldn't want to be punished would you?"

A chill ran down my spine as he whispered those words and my eyes fluttered shut, "Answer me, Anastasia." He demanded. 

The heat of his breath made my knees grow weak but I managed to stutter out "N-no."

I could feel a smirk grow on his face through my hair, "No what?"

Oh god.

"No sir." My breath hitched as I felt him pull away and I was able to see his face again. His hand came up to my face where he ghosted his knuckles across my cheek and then pushed my hair behind my ear.

"Good girl," my skin was on fire at this point and I was unable to move as my eyes stared into his. "Now, follow me."

He walked away, leaving me stunned.

What just happened?

I shook my head to try and rid my brain of the fuzziness he'd caused while he got further away from me.

He turned just as he reached the door, "Are you coming?"

I nodded and was finally able to move. I walked past all the sleeping Grisha, wishing that I was one of them instead of being awake and alone with the general.

No you don't.

I knew my subconscious was right, but that didn't mean I had to listen.

I joined him at the door and we walked into the cool breeze together. I had forgotten the kefta I'd been given inside so my skin prickled with goosebumps, my hands automatically rose to rub my arms for warmth.

Purest Corruption - The Darkling [General Kirigan]Where stories live. Discover now