• Chapter 12 •

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I slipped out of my kefta and into the white silk nightgown, but before I went any further with my plan, I thought of something that would make it even better.

I dug through all the clothes in my wardrobe trying to find something black that could work. I let out a frustrated sigh when I couldn't find a single piece of black clothing.

"I guess he doesn't want anyone else wearing black...ever," I whispered to myself before turning to the lamp on my vanity. Before I could turn it off though, I saw an empty piece of parchment, a quill, and some ink sitting there. My heart swelled a little at the gesture.

He knew I wanted to write Mal, so he gave me the tools to do so.

I sat down, deciding to continue with my plan after writing this letter, and picked up the quill. I dipped the end into the black ink and began to write,

Dear Mal, I don't know where this letter will find you, but you mustn't worry about me. I'm fine. Safe in the Little Palace. It's like I blinked and the whole world changed. But the upside, I have my own very private room for the first time, and a whole host of attendants that treat me with utter respect. I mean, really, just unbridled...respect. For me, your little friend from Keramzin. We'd have a good laugh about it if you were here.

I saw an envelope that I hadn't noticed before and folded the paper to fit. After writing everything I needed to on the envelope, I left it on my desk.

Then, I made my way around the room, snuffing out every source of light except for the one on the table near my side of the bed. I took a deep breath and slid beneath the covers, laid back against my pillow, and waited.

As time went on I grew more and more nervous.

Do I really want to do this?

Will he even come tonight?

Questions were buzzing throughout my brain and there was now a seed of doubt in me that hadn't been before. I was wringing my hands when I heard it.

The door knob was turning.

I quickly shut my eyes and prayed that he would believe I was asleep. The soft glow of my lamp was illuminating my form and I had made sure my hair was splayed out on my pillow, keeping my face clear.

One of my legs was tangled in the comforter,  showing skin all the way to my upper thigh. I heard the door open and then shut quietly, then felt the presence of the man I'd been waiting for.

This is going to be fun.

He walked over to the side of my bed and then stopped. I had made sure to undo the curtains on each post so he would have to move the one by me to see what he wanted to. Cool air made it's way into what had been my sanctuary, and I knew he'd pulled back the curtain.

Controlling the rise and fall of my chest was the hardest thing to do because my heart was racing, but I managed to stay calm. As his eyes finally saw me, I was able to hear him take in a breath.


I stayed completely still, not daring to move a muscle in fear he'd know I was awake. I heard movement and then his fingers were grazing my cheekbone. My skin ignited under his touch and it took everything in me not to open my eyes.

My stomach tightened as I felt his face lean down to mine, and then his lips touched my forehead. It almost couldn't tell they were there with how softly they were pressed to my skin.

He doesn't want to wake me.

His lips stayed hovered there for a few more moments before he leaned away, bringing his fingers to my cheek one last time. I saw the light by my bed from beneath my eyelids go black, and heard his footsteps walking towards the door.

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