Theyll Never Know Part 18

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I walked barefoot on the board dock and to the very end where I sat down with my feet over the edge. I stared out into the ocean with the reflection of all the lights from the house. I stared out remembering all the good times . This was a great thinking spot. I felt a presence behind me, and turned around.

" Whats a purty young doll like you doing out here so late at night?" Niall said sitting right next to me.

I laughed " Just thinking. It's truly beautiful out here."

" thinking about what?" He asked

" Just everything. You know when we came here with the rest of the boys and Monica ?"

" yeah, that was really fun."

" well remember Zayns " no couples" rule?"

" haha yeah."

" Harry and I couldn't stand not seeing each other so we used to come out to the edge of this board dock every night while everyone was sleeping, we'd be out here for hours. We'd come out around 12 and watch the sun come up. It was the only time we had to just talk, and have a heart to heart. It was kinda amazing."

" So that's why you guys were so tired all the time.."

" Yeah pretty much. I was surprised nobody figured it out. "

" I'm surprised too. You see this is why I'm not part of the FBI... I can't figure things out for shit."

We both laughed and watched the sky for a bit... I turned to Niall and he still watched the water.

" hey niall?"

" yeah? "

" thank you."

" for what?"

" for being there for me. And I had a really great time tonight. I haven't had that much fun sense Harry and I were together. " I got choked up on my words and The thought of missing him appeared in my head again, and my eyes started to water.

" You really miss him alot don't you." Niall said

" yeah, alot."

" I know it's kinda hard to, but talking about it probably helps."

" I'm just so confused with it. I miss him but hate him at the same time. I spend hours crying over him but never want to talk to him again. He hurt me, badly. But for some reason I just can't let go." My watering eyes turned into full on tears.

" Well what about the good times with him, lets go back to talking about that."

" Um... " I thought about it for a minute. "The day we met. At the amusement park. Remember that?"

" yep, Monica nearly shit her pants when she realized she was sitting next to me on the roller coaster."

" and Harry and I stayed off because we were too scared. " I laughed at how pathetic I was.

" then Monica ran off the roller coaster and to you like " Irish, British, blondy curly" and then she saw Harry and you already talking and started hypervenalating, it was great."

" I remember when I first knew I had feelings for him, and he had feelings for me too. And I didn't want to see him but he climbed up the balcony and through my window just to see me."

" He truly was crazy about you. He wouldn't stop talking about you for weeks. Do you think she likes me? Isn't she beautiful? This song should be about Megan, this reminds me of Megan, Megan this , Megan that, don't you like what Megan's wearing today?" He laughed at himself mocking Harry. And my sad tears turned to a mixture of sad and happy.

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