They'll Never Know FINAL CHAPTER

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Authors note:

This is the last chapter in this story! So enjoy it! I really liked writing this part.. Play some cutesy music.. I'll link a playlist that you could listen to that i think matches well. Well anyways, I'd just like to say thank you so much for reading up until this point.. I enjoyed writing it. I'm kind of sad its over :( I might end up doing a new story, or a sequel.. Just let me know what I should do in the comments! Enjoy!


Meg's p.o.v

I was home alone tonight, Niall had gone out with his friends because they were in town for the closing ceremony of the Olympics. I was bored on my own, so I headed for the front door and decided to go on a walk. I have finally been able to move around more because my ankle has started to heal. I decided to walk to the lake which wasn't too far away, it was right in the middle of where all the boys lived. Harry and I had one of our first dates there. We had dinner together then layed and watched the sunset. Then we sat and talked for a really long time in the moonlight. When I got there I sat down admiring the water. It was getting darker and darker. I looked across the water and saw someone sitting with their head in their hands. Naturally, i stared to see what they were doing. My eyes focused and I actually realized who it was. I pulled my phone out of my pocket, I was going to call Niall, but then I decided not to. 

" Man up." I whispered to my self, as I got up to walk over to him. The closer I got the more nervous I got. we hadn't seen each other like this in a while. I was finally standing right beside him. 

" Hi Harry."  

he looked up at me. his eyes were red and a tear ran down his face. 

" oh my god. Harry what's wrong?" I said sitting beside him. 

" Why would you care, I've been such a dick to you." 

" We may not be like how we were, by that doesn't mean I don't care about you. I'm still your friend." 

He blinked away a tear, and we sat in silence.  

" So what's wrong?" I asked him again. 

" It's nothing." 

" It's obviously not nothing. Come on you know you can talk to me about anything." 

" I know, but that's not exactly it."  

" What is it?" 

" it's nothing. please." 

" Harry come on. If you don't talk about it its never going to get bet-." 

" It's you." he blurted out.  

I didn't even know what to say. I just looked down at the ground. my heart was racing faster than ever. I could almost feel tears coming to my eyes. 

" Megan. I.." he couldn't even finish his sentence.  

I looked up at him, and he turned me towards him.  

" I can't even explain to you how sorry I am. and I know that sorry just doesn't even cut how I've acted... it's just that. I.... well... You mean the absolute world to me. I know it doesn't seem like it but please just give me a minute to explain it all to you. I'm a fucking idiot okay. That night after you left, we were drinking a lot. Monica and I, we didn't even know what we were doing.... all we did was kiss a little bit. Niall didn't hear the whole story. and well I gotta admit I really was pissed when you wouldn't even give me the chance to explain. I was mad. I thought you gave up on me. and that day Monica wanted to come check up on you. When I saw that you were in such pain and you looked so different, I just wanted to walk away from my mistake. Like it didn't even happen. I never meant to walk out on you and I'm so sorry." His eyes were full of tears , and so were mine just remembering all of this. 

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