Theyll Never Know part 24

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They'll never know

Part 24

The nurses were doing their late night tasks. Giving her meds, monitoring her heart rate, blood pressure, etc.

" when are you gonna get some sleep?" The nurse asked me, I was shocked she talked to me cause the nurses haven't yet. Her name tag read " Emma" she had beach blond hair and black at the bottom, and she seemed fairly young.

" sleep doesn't matter. I'm just here to be by her side. I'm here for her." I said grabbing Meg's hand.

" well you have to sleep eventually, I'll grab some extra pillows and blankets" she said smiling before leaving the room. She came back a few minutes with pillows, blankets, and some food and some water.

" here you go" she said, handing me them.

" thank you." I replied. She left the room, shutting the door behind her.i put the stuff aside and turned towards meg.

" you know, I called the boys. They are really worried about you. So is Eleanor and Danielle, and Monica. They really love you you know that?" I sat there admiring her face. " you're still beautiful to me" I whispered. Stroking her hand " I know you're upset about everything that's happened, and I'm so sorry you had to go through all of that. I'm sorry I couldn't do anything to stop anyone. To stop you, to make things better. But you know, I love you very much, and so do the other boys and the girls. They said they miss you, and to give you extra hugs and kisses, and Eleanor and Louis are about ready to hop on a plane to come see you. I told them to wait though." I sat in silence for a minute "Megan, the past few weeks have been indescribable. I know one day you're going to go leave me and go back to harry, and that hurts me, because ive grown to love you so much, but you belong together and I see why he loves you so badly. You're beautiful, amazing, hilarious, and really outgoing. You have made me the luckiest and happiest guy the past few weeks. The way you have made me feel in such short time is unbelievable. Id do anything for you. Anything. I can't imagine what harrys going through without having you with him. But forget about him. Whether he's here or not, I'll be here. Forever. Till your precious little heart stops beating." I sat there, tracing circles in her hand because I know she always loved that. I just wish I could see her smile one more time. She can't leave me yet, it's not fair , I never even got to say goodbye. My phone rang. It was Monica . It was about 3 am, so I was wondering what she was doing.

" I can't sleep without knowing she's okay." She said

" she's fine" I lied.

" are you sure? Should I plan to fly out there?"

" no. It's fine, everything's going to be fine."

" alright. Goodnight then."

" goodnight."

I decided to try to rest too, but it wasn't working. I kept waking up. Or I'd have nightmares. I sat in the dark and empty room with her, for what felt like forever. I decided to rest my eyes for a bit, and ended up getting some decent sleep.

I woke up to the bright light shining through the window. My eyes were burning and itchy, my stomach was growling. As I finally got passed the groggy part, I remembered where I was. Why I was hungry, why my eyes had been burning. I immediately turns towards meg, grabbing her hand and kissing it.

" Morning beautiful. " I whispered.

My heart was achy when I'd look at her. This is Megan. But she looks nothing like her. Everything's swollen, bruised, broken, or scratched. She just doesn't even look like the same person. It broke my heart that she was so unhappy, and this is where it lead her. She didn't seem that bad. She didn't show any signs or anything. I knew she was sad, but not this Sad. I didn't want to believe it, but she crashed her car. She caused this. She tried to take her own life. I just wanted her to be better again. I wanted to be able to talk to her, to kiss her, to hold her in my arms again. And she may not even remember me if she wakes up. She may not remember everything we've been through. She may not remember the good nights. I decided to take a break and go get some fresh air. I said a brief goodbye to meg, and walked through the hallways and out to the car. I had just wanted to sit outside for a few minutes. I turned on the radio, first song to come on was " yellow" by coldplay. that was always one of megs favorite songs. it always made her smile. As I sat there, listening I saw a girl and a boy pull into the hospital parking lot. They looked quite like el and lou. But it couldn't be them. They were in the uk. I must just be imagining it. As the song ended, I got out of the car and back to the hospital entrance. I walked through the hallways and Into the elevator to get to the second floor, where Megan was. I stopped in the hallway to get a drink from the machine. I heard a ding from the elevator. I got my drink and started to head towards Meg's room. I was then stopped by two people. I looked up to see Louis and Eleanor standing there looking awful tired and worried.

" I know you told us to stay but I needed to see her." Eleanor said.

" I want to also. And I wanted to be there for you niall. I know you guys have been through alot." Lou said

I stood there, kind of mad that they went against my word, but so glad to see them. I didn't say anything, I grabbed louis and wrapped him up in a hug.

" I've missed you man" I said starting to tear up.

" missed you too nialler." He said patting my back.

We pulled away,

" so where's her room ?" Eleanor asked, anxiously.

" I just need to warn you guys, she doesn't look normal. She's got broken bones and swollen parts to her. She's not the Megan we think of when we hear her name."

" I just need to see her" el said worried as ever.

I led them to her room, slowly but quick enough. I looked them in the eyes, as I opened the door to where she is. I quickly went over and sat by her.

" Meg, Louis and Eleanor are here. They really wanted to see you." I said

I looked over at them. Eleanor was shocked, her eyes were watering as she looked at her good friend who pretty much looked dead. Louis' eyes were staring at her, then at the ground, then back to you. he couldn't hold in his tears

" When you explained this to me, I didn't really believe you... But this is real." Louis choked out. " I mean I know I never really talked to you guys since the incident happened. And I'm so sorry. I wish I could have been there. I'm so sorry I wasn't. I should have been."

Eleanor held his hand tightly as her eyes watering turned into full on tears.

" I'm sorry I need a minute." Louis said leaving the room. Eleanor walked closer to meg.

" I'm just so speechless. This doesn't feel real." She said

" I know." I replied " look I have to go to the bathroom, is it okay if you stay with her?" I asked

" yeah go ahead that's fine."

As I left the room I peered in at her one more time, then headed for the bathroom.

I heard Lou talking on the phone

" he really wasn't kidding." " Harry she doesn't even look like herself" " she looks like she's dead. And that she's been suffering for a while" " mate. I'm just saying if you really love her you better be praying and wishing for good things for her." " just don't beat yourself up. But keep her in mind" Louis left the bathroom, and I acted as if I just got there. I went really quick and then walked back with him. As we stood outside the doorway talking, I could hear Eleanor talking to meg about everything that's happened since she's been gone, like the new shoes she got and the best new cafe in town. I couldn't help but smile a little.

" I just really want you to be okay babe. I really do miss you. you're my bestfriend." She said.

Louis and I entered the room. And we all sat there circled around Meg's bed, talking about the good times and what we love about her. Just for good spirits. The doctor in the white coat then entered the room.

" I'm kinda sad to say, if she doesn't move or anything to show a sign or response by tomorrow, it's not a good sign " he said. Then looking at her for a few seconds, then leaving.

I took a deep breath, trying to keep my cool. I looked at meg, and had somewhat of a good feeling about this. She had to make it, she's strong.

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