Theyll Never Know Part 20

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Nialls p.o.v

I wanted her to be with me just incase, so I felt weird about her sleeping in the guest room. But I wanted to give her space, I didn't want her to be mad at me. I went up to bed and watched some football before bed. I didn't really feel like sleeping right away. I heard footsteps outside the door, and the door finally opened.

" How did you get in here?!" I yelled.

" Niall I have a key, it's my house too."

" Monica what are you doing here."

" I forgot something... I needed it. Why are you home ..?! "

" Alex is sick, we wanted to see her. Megan wanted to see her."

She started pacing the room looking for whatever she needed, so I let her, but I kept watching tv. She walked over towards the bed and sat down next to me.

She started drawing circles on my chest and on my arms.

" Monica what are you doing." She got closer and closer to me.

" Niall I miss you."

"Monica I-"

She cut me off

" I know I was stupid but I regret it I'm sorry. I really like you."

I thought of the words that just came out of her mouth. " I like you" . My feelings started coming back for her, the love, the passion.

" no I can't. You hurt me, heck you hurt Megan. "

" please just forgive me, I'll do whatever you want me to."

She got closer and closer to my lips and whispered " anything" my mind blurred, and our lips were about to touch, and the door opened again.

" Niall I-"

Megan stood there shocked.

" monica.. What are you doing here"

Her eyes already looked like she had been crying.

" Megan please let me explain-" she cut me off again

" Niall it's not your fault. You like her. You do stupid things when you like someone" and I knew exactly what she was talking about, and it broke my heart.

" I don't want to like her."

" sometimes you fall in love with the worst people, but the mistakes they make turn into the little things that make you fall harder the second time."

The room was quite, Megan's voice sounded like she was dying inside.

" I'm sorry I have to go" she looked around the room and then ran down the stairs

" Megan wait!!" I yelled for her.

" Monica I'm sorry I have to find her."

" What can i do to help?" She asked

" nothing. Just stay out of it. She hurt and she hates the world right now. I'm the only person who she feels understands so I need to be there for her. And right now you and Harry are the bad guys, she's just the weak victim that's being slowly tortured. I have to go I'm sorry."

I grabbed some pants and a jacket and ran out the door. She had taken the car and was already out of sight. I got into one of the other cars and started to drive down the road.. Wondering where she could have gone. Then the thought poped into my head. " Alex."

Megan's p.o.v

Alex was awake, she was finally awake. I entered her room, my eyes were red, puffy and just tired.

" Alex!" I said

She turned over and saw me, her face was lit up with joy.

" baby girl! What are you doing here? And what's wrong?"

" don't worry about me. I'm just so glad I get to see you. You're always there for me so I'm going to be there for you. " I sat beside her bed and held her hand tightly. We talked for a bit, and I noticed she had gotten really pale, and started sluring her words.

" don't.. Forget.. Ill aways be .. There.. For . You"

Her eyes stayed open, but a loud piercing beep filled the whole area, and nurses rushed in.

" Alex please no don't leave me I need you here" and in that moment the nurse have me a look, and I just new she was gone.

Nialls p.o.v

I saw a bunch of nurses running into Alex's room. Something was seriously wrong. I saw a nurse come out and tell the lady at the desk they needed to transport a body.i couldn't help but feel pain for Megan. I just wanted to punch a wall. I saw her slowly walk out of the room, her whole face red and tears pouring out of her eyes. She saw me and ran to me

" she's gone she's gone " she kept saying through the tears. I hugged her tightly and actually started crying with her. Just wondering why, why does this shit have to happen to her especially now.

I took her home, and led her up the stairs. She slept with me, with her arms around my waist and her head on my chest. I lay awake in the middle of the night, for no reason. My mind was just way to crazy. I was thinking about everything and anything. Things just confused me more than anything. I wanted to know why Harry was being an ass, why Monica all of a sudden cares, why all this shit has happened to meg, why I don't have a single clue about any of it. I just wanted things to be okay again. I can't stand the way life has been going. I also hate not knowing. My life may never be the same again. Don't get me wrong, I love Megan. I really do, but what about monica? This isn't the way things were supposed to be. Harry and Megan were supposed to be together, and Monica and I, we were supposed to be the friends that kinda had feelings for each other. And one direction; were supposed to be brothers and it's all falling apart. I haven't talked to any of them in forever and it's just weird. I needed my boys, Megan needed Monica and Harry. This is all so messed up.

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