Theyll Never Know part 19

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" Megan wake up!" Niall was rubbing my shoulder.

I remembered what happened from last night, and I smiled into my pillow.

" Megan seriously wake up"

I slowly raised up looked at Niall. He was smiling and I smiled too.

" last night was perfect" he said.

" I know. So perfect" I kissed him and wrapped my arms around his neck.

He was really into it and wrapped his arms around me but He pulled away " wait meg"

" what?" I was confused

" Something serious happened back home"

" what? What happened?"

" it's Alex. She's really sick and she may not make it"

" Alex?! What?! What happened?! We have to go. Now."

I jumped out of bed and throw on some clothes. I threw some clothes into a bag, and ran into the bathroom to get my stuff. Niall appeared in the doorway

" are you sure you want to go back home?"

" yeah we have to . We can come back in 2 days . Please I need to see her."

" alright I'll call Paul."

Before I knew it we were on our way to the airport. I just can't believe what was going on. Alex was one of my bestfriends. I met her the day Monica and I moved to London. Alex was pretty much my sister , she's had my back everytime I needed her. She was the older sister that i always needed,as my older sister abanded my family when I was younger. Without her I would be so lost. I need her. The tears started streaming down my face on the plane thinking about her not being in my life anymore.

" meg, we may not know what's going on but whatever happens I'm gonna be here for you every step of the way. I know this is hard, but you've been to hell and back and you can get through this."

I blinked the tears away and layed my head on his shoulder. Feeling protected. I fell asleep on his shoulder and woke up 3 hours later when we landed. Niall and I got our luggage and walked out together hand in hand, hoping the paparazzi wouldn't see; but they did anyway.

We headed home to our flat, and then to the hospital. Alex was in the critical care unit , meaning it really was life or death for her. I don't know what happened but I was scared to find out. We stumbled through all the busy nurses and beeps from the machines filled my ears. She was in room 9, I found it pretty quick and walked in. She was sleeping peacefully. I walked in the room and sat by her bed. Trying not to wake her. Niall stayed in the doorway . She slept for hours and I just wanted to see her awake and doing okay. I couldn't stand it. The nurses came into the room.

" we have to draw some blood." The male nurse said, his name tag read " Ben"

" okay" I said. I whispered goodbye to Alex and left with Niall. I can't stand needles or blood or anything to do with it. I've had bad hospital experiences. We left the hospital and went back home to the flat.

" alright niall I'm going to bed." I said trailing up the stairs.

"Okay ill be to bed soon."

" actually I kinda want to be alone... I'm gonna sleep in the guest room."

" oh um alright"'

I pulled the sheets off and climbed into bed. All I needed was sleep.

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