Not As Heartless As Him

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Jungkook’s words were cold and cruel, like a sharp weapon piercing Lisa's heart.

Lisa felt a terrible insult. Her eyes were bloodshot, and she was about to bleed. She stared at him so gloomily without saying a word.

Jungkook was staring at her uncomfortably too, making her frown when he said, "You don't have to look at me like this. You lost yourself that night and you can't blame me."

After a pause, he said again, "You should thank me. I let you see kim kai's true face. If you really married him, you would have regretted it for life."

"Heh!" Lisa smiled mockingly, as if she had heard the most ridiculous joke in the world, "jungkook, have you ever loved anyone truly?"

Jumgkook looked at her suspiciously.

"That girl named tzuyu, do you really love her?" Lisa looked at him deeply, "If she is hurt, would you make her thank the murderer?"

"tzuyu is my life, you can't compare with her." jungkook cast aside his eyes in boredom.

Lisa clenched her fists and gritted her teeth and said: "Yes, maybe I am worthless in your heart, but there are people in this world who really treasure me, in their hearts I am as precious as your tzuyu! Maybe I can't fight you now, but please remember that Lisa will not be bullied by you forever. One day, I will double the damage you gave me and return it to you!!!"

"Really?" jungkook looked at her ridiculously, "I'll wait and see!"

"Stop!" Lisa stared at him in disgust.

"about my child, you haven't answered directly." jungkook glanced out the window, unknowingly he drove into the high speed.

"You want a child? many women are willing to give birth for you, but I don't want to." Lisa said coldly, "I want to kill this child!"

Jungkook frowned, and sternly shouted angrily: "I will never allow any woman to take my seed away."

"so who told you not to wear a condom??" Lisa became angry with embarrassment.

"It's because you are so beautiful..." jungkook slowly approached her, his thin lips whispered ambiguously in her ear, "I couldn't wait to put it down!"

Lisa slapped him on his chest, and jungkook subconsciously grabbed her wrists, but because of this, the car was unbalanced and slammed into the side guardrail. At the critical moment, jungkook instinctively covered Lisa with his body...

With a loud "bang", the car slammed into the guardrail, the windshield was shattered, and the sharp piece of glass stuck on Jungkook’s body, and the blood was flowing violently.

The car's siren kept ringing, Lisa was frightened, and it took her a long time to come back to her senses. She tried to pushed Jungkook’s body away from her, but he was too heavy and she couldn't push away at all. She felt  a thick layer of blood dripped on her, and she shouted in panic: "Asshole, are you dead???"

Jungkook moved, holding her hand strenuously and slowly backing away.

Lisa sat up and saw that he was covered in blood, her voice changed in fright: "You..."

"You... are you okay..." jungkook's vision was a bit blurred, and he reached out to cover a side of his neck by his hands, where it was painful and cold, wet, and some blood kept flowing.

"Your neck... is bleeding." Lisa pointed at him tremblingly. His neck was stabbed by a glass piece, and blood was pouring out like a fountain. He would die if it continued to flow like this.

"Heh!" jungkook actually laughed, "You just want to...give me back the damage I...gave you...give me back, now...the opportunity is here!"

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