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Tzuyu was uneasy, and after thinking about it, she signed to jungkook: "oppa, Lisa is already so pitiful, don't embarrass her."

"What is she pitiful for? She is getting better with that taehyung." jungkook said angrily.

Tzuyu continued to use sign language: "Little jae is her darling, she will definitely not give up on him. If you want to compete with her for custody, she will probably keep pestering you forever."

Jungkook thought to himself, it's good to keep entangled, he just can't watch her be good with taehyung, if she will be worried about jae, her relationship with taehyung won't work for long.

But jungkook verbally said, "so what? Just because of that, should I give up on my son? And anyway she can't beat me."

Tzuyu is anxious: "Parents fighting like this is not good for the child, and jae has always been brought up by Lisa. He will not be used to leaving her. He is weak now. If he cries every day, It's not good for recovery."

"before, for the sake of the child, she compromised and agreed to marry me for the child, so similarly even now she can come back to me again for the child." jungkook looked at the door.

Tzuyu was shocked. It turned out that he was playing this abacus, and fighting for custody was the second thing. More importantly, he wanted to use his son to contain Lisa and let Lisa return to him.

My God, if this is the case, then she can't let him seize custody rights, otherwise he and Lisa will always be entangled.

Thinking of this, tzuyu's gestures were a little hurried: "oppa, Lisa is already with taehyung, and her heart is not on you at all, why do you want her back? What's the point of fighting like this?"

Seeing tzuyu panicking, jungkook felt a little strange in his heart, pretending to sigh: "Yes, there really is no point in taking such a woman back..."

Tzuyu was delighted in her heart after hearing this: "Then let go, you and her have been entangled for so many years, don't torture each other anymore, wouldn't it be nice to let go?"

"Yes, I'm tired after so many years of torture." jungkook sighed, "But I can't see that she is so good with taehyung. If she was with others, I might've really let go of her but if she follows taehyung, then I will definitely not let them go..."

"Oppa..." tzuyu was continuing to persuade, there was already a knock on the door outside, "president, Miss Lisa is here." seok jin reported.

"Let her come in." jungkook responded.

Seok jin opened the door, Lisa walked in, took a deep look at tzuyu, then turned to look at jungkook, and greeted softly: "How is your body? Your condition is not looking too good."

"anyways, at least I won't die." jungkook said coldly, "What did grandpa talked to you just now?"

Just now he saw Grandpa jeon and Lisa talking by the door, guessing that Grandpa jeon should be discussing jae's custody with Lisa.

"Yes." Lisa lowered her eyes, "He asked me to talk about custody. Now since you called me, shouldn't it be for this too?"

"Yes." jungkook's tone was very strong. "I won't say more nonsense. Grandpa might have told you everything. I must ask for the custody of jae. No one can stop me. It's best not to be entangled, otherwise it will only be embarrassing. It is not good for child!"

"I told grandpa that I will stay in the United States and live with jae. It will be convenient for you to visit him in the future, so that jae can enjoy the love of his both parents at the same time without having to be in a struggling family environment...."

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