Chapter 14

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No Ones POV

Because of the loud sound and wreckage every student was sent outside until further instruction so they could see what caused that sonic blast

The students had been sitting outside in groups for hours. Although it was night the trees and plants light up enough for them to see

This was beautiful to bubbles and blossom there was patches of algae in the floor where when you step on it glows a bright blue.

The plants had the most interesting glow as well. With different bugs and lizards climbing, flying and jumping. Its so different from looking at it through the window

Blossom was looking around astonished but bubbles had a warm feeling through her body looking at the sight. Her body was filled with electricity for some reason especially when it started to drizzle

Everyone ran under a tree as it started to get harder but even blossom but bubbles stayed getting soaked. She stood there as if she was in a trance which happened often when it rained.

Bubbles noticed that every drop of rain caused a plant to glow or animal to move. She felt the forest become more lively

She could hear frogs and crickets even some lizards moving around the sound was continuous and if you put it together sounded just like music

Pit pat Croak

Pit Pat Croak

Pit Pat Croak Screech

Pit Pat Croak Screech Tap Tap


She created a rhythm in her head and had the urge to just start dancing like she used to do at home.

Everyone was looking at her as she played in the rain and plants. She got a lot of scoffs from the girls while some of the guys watched in awe

Her hair now completely soaked was swaying as she spun like the ballerina she made dance in the library.

"Look at the chick"

"She's crazy " the same two from girls lunch laugh in a boomers little group as they sat in the branches of the tree though still getting a little wet

But the brown haired girl caught her boyfriend watching bubbles dance fascinated. "Hey" she grabs his chin shifting his head to look at her

"You serious"

"Sarah it's not like that"

"your looking at her with the eyes your supposed to be giving me" she whines as he smirks

"you want my attention that much" he pulls her on his chest as he starts to get comftorble on the tree.

"I dont want it I just deserve it more then some retarted food dancing in the rain" she says as he starts kissing her neck

A muffled "really" comes out his mouth as he pecks her lips before the continue watching bubbles

Boomer found himself staring as he noticed things about her he didnt notice before. Her hair though wet was shiny and long

She was in good shape for her age she had a nics body and she was an amazing dancer. The water just added extra affects making it look mesmeroizing

But the one feature he couldnt stop looking at was her smile. It was so bright and warm you couldnt help but smile to when you look at it

"aye boomer you ok" when of his boys as but he dosent answer he just watches

But soo the water on the alage and grass becomes slippery in one of her attempts to spin she trips and falls over but before she could reach the boomer appears holding her arm with his around her waist

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