Chapter 2

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Buttercup POV

"It's not lady like to yell" he says making me roll my eyes.

"Why are we going over there" I demand, he just sighs yet again making my anger rise.

"What's the meaning of this" bubble ask petrified in her very spot, can't say I blame her everyone knows that the Monsters hate us and we hate them... it's been like that for 500 years you can't just change that.

"The meeting went well as I said, He was willing to end this bloody war but..." he stops


"His people are not all for the idea nor are ours, the only way to treaty can be fully complete is if we show them we can live side by side without bloodshed" he says.

I try to take in all the information I can from what he just said, although it makes sense what doesn't make sense is why it has to be us.

"Why do we have to do it?" I ask making bubbles nod excessively as I stole her exact question.

"If I send any of our people they would just be a snack"

"And we won't" i retort a little to harshly, I shock myself with my tone of voice before I quickly bow "I forgot my place I'm sorry"

"It's quiet alright, I get it you know how scared I am to send you there... If he didn't promise full protection I don't think I could have went through with this"

"W-What exactly are we to do when over there" blossom ask

"You guys shall stay in the palace, attend their school and be great students" he says making us go quite, honestly I wonder if their classes are about how to kill us.

"His sons will also make sure nothing happens to you and he has two daughters that you guys will probably have a lot of fun with" he says trying to lighten the mood but it doesn't work

There's a silence "when are we to leave" blossom ask ending the silence but it quickly returns when he answers tomorrow morning.

"I-I better start packing" bubbles says before she rushes out"

"Thank you good bye father" blossom bowing before leaving the room. I turn to follow behind "buttercup" he calls after me.

I half turn my body around "I know this is confusing right now but everything I'm doing is to better you and the kingdoms futures" he says with reassurance

"I understand"

"And remember your breathing exercises with your powers, just because there monsters doesn't mean they're normal over there" I take that into thought before nodding my head and exciting the thrown room.

I head to my room and grab a luggage so I can pack, I put a few of my most comfiest dresses in, I put pajamas and sports wear as well.

I place my bow and arrow and a dagger that the head of the guard gifted me. I look around to see my room I'm not going to see this place for a while I sigh.

 I look around to see my room I'm not going to see this place for a while I sigh

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