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Princess Blossom is an Elemental based witch who can control fire with a series and combinations of hand movements

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Princess Blossom is an Elemental based witch who can control fire with a series and combinations of hand movements. Her eyes turn pink when her power of activated.

 Her eyes turn pink when her power of activated

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Princess Bubbles is also an elemental based Witch but she can only use water with a series of ancient phrases or Spells to change the density, and the force of the water

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Princess Bubbles is also an elemental based Witch but she can only use water with a series of ancient phrases or Spells to change the density, and the force of the water. If she concentrates hard enough she can give some of her life force to help heal others although it's very draining.

 If she concentrates hard enough she can give some of her life force to help heal others although it's very draining

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Princess Buttercup is A elemental wind Witch, but she dosent have really good control over her powers

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Princess Buttercup is A elemental wind Witch, but she dosent have really good control over her powers. To help her of her use she syphers energy or magic from another magical being.

Boomer prince youngest son of  Lord drake, lord of all monsters and creatures of the night

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Boomer prince youngest son of Lord drake, lord of all monsters and creatures of the night. Boomer is a very powerful vampire but his power isn't up to his brothers level yet.

 Boomer is a very powerful vampire but his power isn't up to his brothers level yet

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Prince brick the oldest of the 3 brothers, very intelligent and hardworking. Will do anything for his brothers and kingdom.

Prince Butch the rebel middle child, the strongest of all 3 brothers Because of his uncontrollable temper and constant need for blood

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Prince Butch the rebel middle child, the strongest of all 3 brothers Because of his uncontrollable temper and constant need for blood.

Prince Butch the rebel middle child, the strongest of all 3 brothers Because of his uncontrollable temper and constant need for blood

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Princess Claudia she is a very stubborn thirsty vampire, who's temper can be just as bad as her brother.

Princess Clair the youngest of the royal family, she is a very sweet little girl but everybody has their bad side and hers isn't a pretty sight

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Princess Clair the youngest of the royal family, she is a very sweet little girl but everybody has their bad side and hers isn't a pretty sight.

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