Chapter 18

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Bricks POV

School was still out due to the damage that was caused in the pool area and windows as well as the investigation on the sirens.

Sirens could only stay so long without water so it wouldn't be fair if they were the only ones pardoned from school since the tank was so big and deep it would take a while to import that much ocean water

I guess I should be happy that I finally get a break except....

"I still don't understand" the red headed human trash proceeded to complain for the hundredth time

I'm not on break

I sigh for the hundredth time as she continues to complain. This time I can't just walk out on her or mother will scold me again.

She even challenged us to teach these humans all the necessary materials needed by the end of the month when schools supposed to open again she's going to test the princesses on what they know and learnt and that if nothing was picked up during these waste of time sessions we'll be severely punished

"Can you explain it one more time?" She asked

"I honestly wished I had token the punishment" I mumble

"What was that?" She asks

"Let's take a break iv been teaching all day I need one" I answer back finally allowing myself out the up out the chair so I could go

"Hold on we haven't finished yet!" She say's quickly getting up after me

"I'm annoyed and your stressed we both need a break... me especially" I say as I try to leave so I could possibly do my own thing away.... Faaaar away from her

I honestly I don't know if I was annoyed cause I was near her or because she smelled amazing cause I'm starving. One thing I will say is her scent is intoxicating like a kind of flower that lured the pollinators with its scent

God the thought made me hungrier "this is impossible... your impossible all I need is a tutor and you can't even do that"

"Iv wasted enough good time and effort to get your moron of a brain to tik and it isn't clicking and it never will if your frustrated so I need a break" I continue on my way to the door

"Well at least let me break with you" she says stopping in my tracks

"What" I turn towards her slowly

" let's break together because that abnormal speed of yours is annoying and with you already being hard headed-."

"Watch it human" I warn getting in her face as we glare at each other.

"Will make you impossible to find" she finishes

Whoever thought this was a good idea was an idiot humans and monsters coexisting... no not even whoever thought this lowly creature could fit as a wife is a mad man.

Just look at her trying to test me... but goodness she smells amazing

"No go away" I say on my way out her room one more time but before I'm out the door she stands in my way.

" if you leave without me and I find it impossible to find you because of your favorite game called "avoid" I will tell the queen that your lacking as teacher"

My blood boils from this comment hasn't even been a few months yet and she already has leverage over me. I could feel my eyes begin to shine a crimson due to my anger rising up but this doesn't seem to spark a reaction not even a little one

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