Chapter 9

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No ones POV

Second period passed by like a light and soon it was lunch. Blossom came to the lunch room to see everyone sitting at a table chatting and laughing.

Really her eyes were looking for 2 people in this big beautiful room. She found some stares and chatter pointed her way but she could carless all she wanted to hear was.

"Blossom!" She turned to the side quickly to see bubbles rushing as she finally felt bubbles touch as she brought her into a hug

Yes it was only 2 periods out of 4 but there filled in a school we're everyone was against them and honestly they didn't know what would happen

She felt bubbles hair as it was a little cold and damp. Her clothes where aswell and she had a jacket wrapped around her skirt.

"Are you ok" she asked while bubbles nodded with a smile.

"Just a hectic first period" she giggles

"Wheres buttercup" she ask looking around and blossom joins in the search.

She ignores the stares and the glares and the sniffs so she can find her sister.

"Buttercup" she says worriedly as she looks around till she finally see a bruti ng green haired walking there way.

"There she is" blossom says with a smile before bubbles shouts buttercup to get her attention.

Bubbles takes off hugging her as well making a grin come to her face. A sigh of relief was coming blossoms shoulders

There safe

The girls looked around as they took in the sight of the cafeteria. It's was more like a beautiful restaurant with the servants and menus.

They even saw a table with there names on cards. It was a table clearly for 5 but the other two weren't sitting there.

Most likely cause there humans but that didn't ruin the girls moods. They sat down and opened the menu to find some divine meals listed.

Soon a man in Black and White came over most likely a waiter "Hello ladies" he says with a smile

Blossom notices he a human to, soon her mind started swirling with questions. Are there other humans living here

That's the second one I've seen today

How strange

"Hello" bubbles says with a smile

This takes the man back a bit "is there something wrong" I ask politely

"Uh no I was just wondering why Samantha and Lizzy aren't sitting here" he says with a smile

"Probably don't want to share a meal with humans tch typical"

"Buttercup" blossom warns

"No that's quite what would you like today ladies" he chuckles

They back at the menu not really sure what to choose all the options look so good. To think monsters don't eat human oragans for dinner

"I think I'll have the Clam chowder soup with a lemonade and a chocolate cake" bubbles ask with excitement wondering if the food is as good as it sounds

"Excellent choice my dear we have some of the richest chocolate and the soups are divine"

"I would like the salmon combo with a lemonade and the brownie" buttercup ask closing the menu and placing it in middle of the table for the next class that comes to eat.

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