Chapter 3

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Bubbles POV

We are currently outside waiting for the Limbo to take us to the other side. All the citizens are watching with scared expressions but I try to give the best reassuring smile I can muster up.

I see the car come from the distance as it parks right in front of us. I clutch my luggage in my hand feeling the fear and nervousness rise up.

father was right behind us as all three of us turn to say our goodbyes. "Goodbye father" blossom says giving him a hug.

"Goodbye and blossom take care of your sisters" he says gaining a nod from blossom.

"Goodbye buttercup" he says giving her a hug

"Make sure you listen to blossom and control your temper" he says lightly punching her shoulder. She smiles while he chuckles.

"No promises old man" she says making him laugh, hearing that makes tears form in my eyes. I don't want to go we've never been outside the kingdom and this is scary.

Father makes his way over to me wiping the tear from my eyes "be brave ok bubbles" he says and I just nod trying to hold back my tears.

"Bye daddy" I say hugging him making the crowd shout things like "don't let them leave" "make them stay" and as much as I would like to this decision is for them.

"My daughters your brave and strong never forget that" he says as we all nod in sync.

"It's time to go" the guard says but he isn't human his skin is paler then anything I have ever seen. And his voice is really scary.

"Take care of my daughters" the king says with a final request earning a nod from the man.

We start waving and he does the same, the car finally starts moving while his figure disappears as well as the people, we all turn to the back window to see our home become smaller and smaller.

I just sigh before sitting back down fixing my dress. I wipe the tear from my eye patiently waiting for us to arrive the sooner the better.

"Um exactly how long is this drive going to be" buttercup ask while I just roll my eyes. We haven't even been in this car for five minutes and the "are we there yet" questions are springing up.

"Not long... filthy human" he says the last part under his breath

"What was that I hope you know who your f-." Buttercup outburst before blossom shuts her up

"She means I hope we're not going to have any bad blood without any introductions" she ask with a smile but he just continues looking at the road ahead.

Blossom kind of gets the clue and just stays quite looking out the window. It's been about 5 minutes and I can see the trees ahead as well as 2 horses, a man and a man horse?

The car comes to a stop as me and my sisters look at each other confused. "Get out" the driver says in a really demanding tone. We won't dare question as we just step out the car making our way to the men

 We won't dare question as we just step out the car making our way to the men

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