Chapter IV

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Sophomore year
3rd person P.O.V

Today was the day. The day Zara started a new school and she was dreading it. Her father died last school year and her mother thought moving to another city would do them some good. Zara wasn't very popular at her last school she was more so a loner she knew it would be the same at her new school.

Once Zara arrived she went straight towards the office. When she walked in it was pretty chill inside only 2 people in the front part. She asked for her schedule and one of the staff members was happy to accompany her to first period.

Science, never a class she was to fond of. She walked in and all eyes were on her. The adult that was with her talked to the teacher and explained that she was new and would be in her class. She was a week late from the first day of school.

"I'm Mrs. Jackson. It's Zara right?" The teacher asked. she nodded and Mrs. Jackson smiled. "You can sit next to Quintez and the office asked me to find someone to show you around so he'll do that too ok?" Zara once again nodded not wanting to speak up.

"Quintez" nobody answered but Mrs.Jackson looked towards a boy that had his head down. Zara assumed that must've been him. "Quin." The teacher yelled a lil louder so the boy would wake up.

"Yes. I wasn't sleep...I was resting my eyes." He rushed out and jumping at the call of his name. The class laughed at his actions and the teacher rolled her eyes.

"Would you mind showing Zara around after class?" She asked him and he looked confused.


"The girl right next to me. If you weren't 'resting your eyes' you would know." Quintez looked embarrassed and nodded his head without saying anything. Zara went to sit next to him while the teacher continued on with her lesson.

Quintez took a moment to look at the girl sitting next to him and he thought that she was very pretty. Zara felt eyes on her and turned to look at the boy she flashed him a slight smile not wanting to be rude and went back to paying attention. Quin felt his heart start beating faster and he thought it would have popped out of his chest if he didn't look away soon.

After the bell rung Quintez looked towards Zara again to find her waiting for him to speak.

"So you ready." He asked and she nodded. They made their way out into the hallway but not before getting a pass from the teacher excusing any classes that they miss while on the tour.

"So where you moving from?" Quintez asked the beautiful mystery girl. Zara raised a eyebrow at the question and Quin thought he offended her. "I-if you don't mind me asking of course." He added.

"Columbia." Zara smiled at the boys nervousness. The boy nodded his head but didn't say anything else afraid he would upset the girl by asking to many questions.

They continued the trip with Quintez explaining where everything was. Zara couldn't help but notice that Quintez seemed to be pretty popular. He was getting 'hey's' from every person that passed them and the girls looked like they were trying to impress him.

Zara thought either he was extremely oblivious to their advances or he didn't want to entertain it.

"Hey Quin." A girl said coming up to the boy and hugging him. Zara thought since she got a different response from everybody else that they must've been dating. "Hey Shay." He said returning the hug.

The way she just walked away without saying anything else led Zara to believe that she might've been wrong about them dating. Anyway after the tour ended they realized they had 3rd period together so Quintez offered to walk there with her.

"Sup Quinny." A boy said once they entered the classroom. "Don't call me that." Quin said rolling his eyes.

"Hey Quinny." Another boy said coming up to them. "Y'all are annoying." Quintez said glaring at his friends. They laughed then Ray directed his attention to the girl behind Quin.

"Who's she?" Ray said looking at Zara. JB shook his head at Ray's rudeness. "Why don't you ask her and not be rude dummy." JB told Ray.

"Right sorry. Who are you?" His friends shook their heads at him. Zara seemed to not mind that much. "Zara." She said and Quintez led them to some open seats.

"I'm going to guess your new here." JB said. Zara nodded. "Nice I'm Jabril and this is Raymond." He explained and before they could continue their conversation the teacher came and began class.

The following weeks Zara found herself gaining popularity very rapidly. To say she was shocked was an understatement. She was getting asked out left and right by boys and girls. She declined everyone though and it eventually got to a point where she had to tell everyone that she was off dating saying that she was focusing on her studies.

She knew it had to be her looks that made her popular seeing as people called her pretty on a daily basis. She knew it couldn't be cause of her personality cause she hasn't really befriended anyone since she came here. She had people come up and talk to her and she talked to them but for the most part she still stayed to herself and that's what made her even popular;that she was modest.

"Hey Zara." Quintez said scaring the girl a little. Now they weren't friends per say but they greeted each other in the halls every once in a while. Zara found herself wanting to get to know Quintez more but she never allowed herself to, saying she just wanted to finish highschool and that was all.

"Hey Quintez." Quintez on the other hand wanted to get to know the girl better and he wasn't afraid to admit it. Well except to Zara herself. He never pushed though because she seemed to want to stay alone but that didn't stop him from developing a major crush on her.

The rest of Sophomore and Junior year Quintez felt his crush for her expand. He never acted on it though no matter how much his friends pressured him to do so. He suspected his Senior year to be the exact same him pining after her and Zara not even knowing. Except one party changed everything and now he maybe had a chance to change that.

Present day: Thursday, November 5th
Quintez P.O.V

"...Quintez!" At the sound of my name being yelled I jerked up immediately from my sleep.

"Yes? Yes? I wasn't sleep." I rushed out rubbing my eyes. My teacher narrowed her eyes at me and I got up and made my way towards her. I noticed that nobody was in the classroom. Well except for Zara who was standing next to our teacher. Did I really just sleep through the bell?

"I'm sure you weren't. Anyway I've asked you and Zara to work on our upcoming project together since I don't want any fights over who gets to work with you 2. I'll be announcing the project tomorrow I just wanted to let you guys know that before then." She told us.

With me still being half sleep I just nodded my head and looked towards Zara. "That's fine." She said and the teacher said great then allowed us to leave.

"See ya Quintez." I heard Zara say before walking down the hall. I went towards my next class and found JB there. After school I went straight home feeling to need to catch up on some much needed sleep.

Lil background on them

Columbia, North Carolina btw

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