Chapter X

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Sunday, December 20th
Quintez P.O.V

Winter break. Lord knows I been waiting for these two weeks off since the year started. It was Sunday and after church was over I said goodbye to the boys and our families plus Jazmine's.

Yes we all attend church together another form of how close our families are. Raymond's grandfather is the pastor here.

Anyway after I left I went home to change out of my formal clothes and called Zara.

"Hey Tez." Zara said and I smiled at her nickname. Especially since literally no one else calls me Tez except for her.

"Hey Z. I just got home I'll be there in 10mins."

"Same so I'll be waiting." She said then hung up.

After I got dressed I headed back out. I went straight to Zara house and knocked once I got there.

"Wassup." I said smiling walking in.

"Hey. You ready for the next 2 weeks nothing but sleeping and chillin." She said taking us upstairs.

"Man fa'sho my 2 older cousins on my dads side coming to visit along with my grandad."

"Oh that's cool you spending Christmas with your dad?" Zara asked once we entered her room. I laid on the bed and took my shoes off.

"Well I'm spending Christmas morning with my mom then I'll see my dad later that night at JB's uncle restaurant. I think everybody coming I gotta ask." She didn't say nothing so I looked up and saw confusion on her face. I laughed and went to explain.

"On holidays me, Ray, JB and Jazmine's families all spend it together. Sometimes it small gathering maybe at one of our houses and sometimes it big gatherings and we spend it at JB's uncles restaurant like umm on Thanksgiving we spent it at his new spot he opened."

"Oh damn y'all are like super close." She said and sat next to me.

"Yeah our families became fast friends after we all met." I said remembering all the times our families hang.

"Your dad even comes? It's not awkward?" She asked.

"Not really they broke up so long ago and it's not like either of them stop being friends with my friends families. It's the same with Jazmine's mother she still comes around and hangs with the moms and aunts."

"Must be pretty nice."

"It is you should come thru for the Christmas dinner if you ain't busy with family. I'll tell Uncle Greg your coming."

"Ehh it really just be the 3 of us. My dad family lives in Michigan we don't really visit often." She said sorta sad.

"Then we'll be happy to have you." I told her hoping to cheer her up.

"I really wouldn't want to impose."

"Your not cause I'm inviting you it's gonna be great. Marcus and your mom can come too it'll be awesome." I said easing her nerves.

"I'll think about it." She said smiling. I nodded and we talked for a bit more and watched TV.

"Where's Marcus?" I asked after a while.

"Work." She said focused on the tv.

"Oh I'm hungry."

"Ok." I waved my hand in front of her face to gain her attention but my efforts didn't work. I got up and went to put my shoes on.

"Where you going?" She said finally paying attention to me.

"I told you I was hungry. I'm finna go get some food you want something?"

"I wanna come". She said and we both went downstairs.

"We're going to the grocery store to get snacks. Then we can go get food." I said once we got in the car. She nodded and turned up the radio.

After we get into the store we get a basket and gather a variety of chips, candy, and drinks. Enough for the both of us.

"Shit my ba-Quinny?" I looked at the person I just bumped into and see Jaz.

"Don't call me that." I said rolling my eyes. She laughed and waved me off.

"Whatcha doin." She asked excited as always.

"I-I'm hangin with a friend." I said gesturing to Zara. She looked behind me and smiled.

"I'm Jazmine. You are?"

"Z-Zara." She said shocked and that made Jazmine shocked because of course she knows about my crush on Zara.

"Whatchu doing here I thought you wasn't coming till tomorrow." I asked Jazmine.

"We came early we're staying at Larainah house."

"She moved in her new house already." I said surprised.

"Yeah that's why we came early and why we at the store. Eli should be coming on Monday still though." I was about to say something when I remembered Zara was next to me still.

"Ah well imma catch you later."

"Ight. We having a sleep over at your house tonight." She said and I raised an eyebrow.

"Who said dat?"

"Us. Your house is better you don't have no siblings and your dads not gonna be on our ass about being loud." I rolled my eyes and gave in. I told her I'll see her later and left with Zara to check out.

"So that was Jazmine." Zara said once we got in the car. I nodded not really wanting to speak about my "crush" on Jazmine.

"Why not go and hang out with her. I could've got home."

"Cause I'll see her later. Plus I wanted to hang with you not her."

I drove us to her house after we got some food. We continued to watch TV and talk occasionally until Marcus and her mom got back.




Incoming call from Jazzy

I look down at my phone and see Jazmine calling me. Also Texts from Ray, JB, and Jazmine.

Ray: I'm sorry man I didn't mean to say anything
JB: I don't think you should come home for awhile
Jazzy: You motherfucker

Jazzy: I'm gonna kill you

Jazzy: I cannot believe you lied to that girl

Jazzy: Negro answer the fuckin phone.

Holy shit I'm gonna kill Ray. Jazmine kept calling and texting me but I ignored them not wanting to get yelled at. I was planning on staying at Zara's house for as long as I could before having to go home.

"Hey do you think I could stay here tonight?" I asked Zara. She looked surprised.

"I-Umm yeah sure if you want." She said and I took that as conformation.

Me: I'll explain tomorrow I swear

I texted to our groupchat before leaving my phone alone for the rest of the night.

Someone's in trouble.

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